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Everything posted by LongJim

  1. I think Baylor could remove a large hurdle if they limit the murderers, rapists, and enablers in their program.
  2. How about the fact that Baylor essentially forced the girl to transfer due to a "decline in performance" and reducing her scholarship? Oh, I guess the fact that she was raped and essentially told to 'get over it' had nothing to do with her "reduced" performance...
  3. Weekly dental visits to remove the sand.
  4. Correct. They were successful in spite of him. Despite his presence. They overcame him.
  5. Then the team will have succeeded due to great defense and special teams play, and in spite of the bus driver at QB. Same as DT.
  6. Best of luck to him. I hope he has a great career and fresh start.
  8. I think it's telling that the receivers are really coming on. IMO, that was a big part of the issue last year. Needed more playmakers out there.
  9. Appreciate the effort, but can't get past the lazy editing and lack of knowledge. Load of bollocks.
  10. Stormtroopers would be a sharp look.
  11. Congrats, Mark. I had the pleasure of "running into" Mark a few months ago at the grocery store on a Sunday. Mark doesn't do anything at a slow pace, so I caught up with him in the produce section, and there he was with his Mean Green tie on and we commiserated on the upcoming season for a minute or two. Always representing. Well deserved, sir.
  12. Check this out. Source noted, but just check the letter to the editor. http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2015/08/letter-to-editor-predicted-colorado-epa-spill-one-week-before-catastrophe-so-epa-could-secure-superfund-cash/
  13. Charitable giving has gone UP every year through the last few decades except for a downturn during the most recent recession, according to this website: http://nccs.urban.org/nccs/statistics/Charitable-Giving-in-America-Some-Facts-and-Figures.cfm It's a myth that Americans are not generous. I believe MORE would give MORE, if not for the already ridiculous tax burdens we now face simply to run these overgrown, unneeded bureaucracies at the federal level.
  14. Oh, I agree. But rhetorically--I'm sure you agree that even if I say something that you really disagree with and is possibly even offensive to you, that it's really not healthy to get all bent out of shape over it, rush over to your group thinking friends and plan for my destruction, professional end, legal squashing or ? Rather than enjoying cold beer in some sort of uneasy truce while wondering where TF I got those dumbass notions and going on with your life? Unfortunately, the "relax and have a homebrew" response--which used to be the norm--isn't the norm any more. It's "I don't agree with your dumb ass, therefore I am not only not going to listen to you or associate with you, I am going to try to jack you up in any way I can. Because I'm right, and you're wrong."
  15. LOL--oh I know. It's a microcosm of "out there" up in here, too. Perfect illustration in this thread.
  16. Man, I couldn't disagree more. 'Not speaking up' because of the possible repercussions caused a lot of heartache through history.
  17. http://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2015/08/epa-is-upset-about-three-million-gallon-aninas-river-spill.php
  18. "How big a boy are ya?"
  19. That's a great article, and I read something similar (might have been this one) a few weeks ago. One of the things I think it illustrates--and I'm sure I'm boiling this down WAY too much--is that society today doesn't teach us to take care of our own discomforts, or even work through them ourselves with a little help from our friends. We're taught that discomfort--whether caused by different ideas or different ideologies--is no longer part of what we used to call "life", and in many ways, made us what we are and stronger, and healthier. No, no matter. Discomfort or things that we don't agree with are ABNORMAL. Those things are dangerous, or stupid, or require immediate destruction. The idea is that we are offended, indignant, and *shouldn't have to be bothered* with it. What we're encouraged to do now when we experience discomfort is to sue someone, or blame someone for that discomfort--even if it's self-inflicted and even if we understood that we MIGHT experience discomfort from the situation beforehand--and if that doesn't work, smear the source of our discomfort publicly and savagely, hopefully in such a manner that the source is destroyed or at least incapacitated. It's pitiful, but it's all part of the "Me-first, right now, FU" mindset. Instant on, instant gratification. 100mbps down, b!tch. All the time. No time for losers, only time for me.
  20. http://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2015/08/global-warming-a-1-5-trillion-industry.php?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+powerlineblog%2Flivefeed+%28Power+Line%29
  21. Maybe we can get him to flip? :-)
  22. I agree with you. I live here, and pretty much see exactly what you guys are seeing. Now, it needs to be said that Denton has come a long way since my first go-round as a resident, which was 1992-1998. But during that time, the population has essentially doubled, and new business owners have changed a lot of the old-school attitudes, and it's going to keep changing in a positive way, I hope.
  23. Had a flight at their brew house a couple weeks after they opened. Good beer. Very fresh, and lots of variety on tap.
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