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Everything posted by LongJim

  1. It's old school. Happened all the time in companies dependent on sales and long term clients. Still does in some companies.
  2. Firing a head coach after 2 years and an 8 win season is a clown show.
  3. If you were graduating with a degree and were guaranteed a job after graduation with a good salary, would you re-enroll for 3 more hours just for the heck of it? Not quite the same thing, and I struggle with the letting down your team aspect, but a head coach would leave in a heartbeat to take advantage of more $ with less to lose.
  4. Reminds me of Houston vs Air Force in the AFB a few years ago. I'm sure some UH fans are having flashbacks.
  5. I did. It just takes commitment from the top and from the alumni. UNT truly can be the big dog in the conference and a player in FBS if they commit to the effort it takes.
  6. Good win for CUSA. Wasn't close.
  7. Gash, gap...it's all the same in the dark. 🤣
  8. UAB's defense could do the same to NIU. They are not chopped liver.
  9. I think this will be a close game between two teams with really good defenses. If you want to see teams that can actually run the ball when they want to, this game is a good one to watch. I'm picking the Blazers in a close one.
  10. "Manila statements" "Dict Tape". I love this place.
  11. Wow, that's a real bummer.
  12. True, but he's comparable in size to Kyler Murray.
  13. DL getting dominated.
  14. I will regard them as invaders and treat them accordingly. Build the wall.
  15. Best opponent UNT has faced in a bowl that I can ever remember.
  16. Heck of a turnaround from the Titans game. I was almost out on their chances after that debacle. Great defensive effort last night for sure.
  17. You're not a moron, and those are perfectly logical and reasonable observations to make.
  18. Yes, I'm quite the renegade.
  19. To an increase in CO2? Sure. I think it's a good idea to try to minimize man-caused CO2 emissions as much as we can. Having said that, I think it's likely that any "climate change" is primarily due to normal fluctuations in climate caused by solar effects on our oceans and atmosphere. That doesn't mean that man doesn't have some culpability, or that good stewardship of the earth and its resources are not good or desirable things. There are just many more factors involved in any changes to our climate than proponents of AGW would have us believe, and I think most of those changes are naturally-occurring.
  20. Man has influenced climate since man appeared on earth. The amount of effect he has on that climate is up for debate, and debate is not denial. Nor is it irrational.
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