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Everything posted by LongJim

  1. "You got that sh*t right..."  NSFW
  2. Daingerfield state park is very pretty, especially in fall. But the lake is fantastic for swimming and non-motorized boating too. One of our favorites. Eisenhower SP on Texoma is a good one, particularly if you like climbing. Boulder climbing there is a big thing.
  3. I'll just leave this here.
  4. Smells like a troll up in here.
  5. That's a great take. Frankly I couldn't agree more.
  6. I admire your tenacity. Keep fighting the good fight.
  7. Some pretty good stuff there. I'm kind of out on this thread now as its turned into virtue signaling and obfuscation, but essentially my issue with some of this is the idea that "you need to be as outraged as I am--and demonstrate it, because I say so--or you are one of THEM" attitude a lot of folks seem to have nowadays. That's a little too Kim Jong-Il for my taste. Not gonna work for me. They will also blather on about "teams" and "sides" derisively, while maintaining that if you don't agree with the depth and direction of their outrage--even if you may agree with them in principle--you are the same as those they are railing about. In other words, you're not on THEIR team. Not surprising really. It's human nature for sure.
  8. I will say this about USM. They do have some pretty devoted fans. I stopped in MS a couple of years ago for lunch on the way from FL, and talked to the restaurant owner who was all about the school. He had good things to say about UNT as well, but was really hyped about USM. So much so that he was keeping me from eating my BBQ. And I was pretty hungry.
  9. I don't think that's what you meant at all, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt--which is something you seem unwilling to do for me. But really--who made you arbiter of the degree of intensity of disagreement with the actions, words, and deeds of elected leaders anyway? We still live in a free country don't we? It's still not quite state controlled and there's not a loyalty requirement yet is there? I don't have to hang anyone's picture in my home, do I? Do you not see the irony in what you're saying in your first paragraph? Scary, man! Look, my point was that we have a great system that allows folks a limited time in office. We have a government system where there are checks and balances on knuckleheads and their actions. I'm not going to get worked up over someone who has done and said the same things to varying degrees for decades. It's a fool's errand. Nobody here has to prove anything to you, and frankly, your suggestions of harbored "tacet" views are offensive and unwarranted. Regarding your second statement above: Thank you. Neither do I. I've already addressed your third paragraph. Lastly, I do like sparring with you guys from time to time, but don't take anything I say personally. If you do, I'll be in section 211 in case you want to try and whup mah ass. Hang on...😂
  10. 1. Glad you are not lumping me in with those foul folk. Thank you. 2. Read my comments in this thread. I have not been silent or excused anything. In fact, just the opposite. You want people to jump up and down and parrot what you believe to be true, which is that his comments were racist. On their face, they are not. Juvenile, petty, divisive, and appalling, yes. However, considering who he directed them to, I believe they can definitely be construed that way, and I believe they come across that way. I don't presume to know if that is how he intended them. Apparently you do, and good for you if so. Bad for everyone else though. So now having said that--why don't you come out and say what you really meant to say in your last sentence above?
  11. To me, such a pedestrian, simplistic view. I think you may need to reconcile the fact that the public was presented with basically two reprehensible choices for President. Both with major personal and ethical faults. You may also need to reconcile the fact that it is possible to hold fiscally conservative views and socially liberal views while not approving of or condoning boorish, xenophobic, non-presidentail behavior, or--*sigh*--wrapping oneself in the flag. But our job here at GMG is to paint everything with a broad talking-point brush, right? Seeing as it's an anthropological study and all? Every country gets the government it deserves. If you don't like it, you have nobody to blame but yourself. November 2020 will be here before we know it. Do your thing.
  12. The public--goaded by the mainstream media--elected a "reality TV" star as President. Let that sink in.® Why anyone is very surprised at what comes out of his mouth is beyond me.
  13. This is a long, but fantastic article. Very much food for thought regarding our current state of...stuff. https://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2017/04/are-we-having-too-much-fun/523143/
  14. I find my stress level is better managed when I don't worry about what the head clown writes on his twitter feed. The public knew what they were getting when they elected him.
  15. https://reason.com/2019/07/09/ariel-little-mermaid-backlash-black-halle-bailey/
  16. I am cautiously optimistic that MF will be drafted. He has the mental and intestinal requirements to go along with his physical talents.
  17. 🤣 Some of you guys are wound pretty tight...
  18. It seems there is often a rosy retrospective view that TCU benefited from ‘better opponents/name opponents’ in the MWC when they were there. I maintain that: They did not, The MWC sucks, and Nobody in Texas gives a crap about their teams, and that TCU’s time in the MWC may have resulted in a couple of conference championships, but did nothing for the program or its support, nor did it result in TCU drawing better at home. In fact, in my opinion, the MWC was a terrible affiliation for home attendance and opposing teams traveling fans, and TCU got the hell out of there as soon as they could. TCU was in the MWC from 2005 through 2011. During that time, Amon Carter was ~45K capacity stadium except for a couple of years they were reconfiguring the stadium. Below is the home attendance for TCU vs their MWC opponents during that timeframe. It sucked. 2005 Utah—25,220 New Mexico—32,251 Colorado State—36,284 (TCU is ranked #20 and is 8-1) UNLV—28,035 (TCU is ranked #18 and is 9-1) 2006 UC Davis—25,272 (TCU is ranked #22) BYU—32,190 (TCU ranked #17) Wyoming—31,394 SD State—26,287 Air Force—30,767 (TCU is 9-2) 2007 Colorado State—32,807 Utah—25,391 New Mexico—28,369 UNLV—26,425 2008 SD State—30,620 BYU—36,180 (TCU is ranked #24, BYU #8) Wyoming—30,103 (TCU ranked #15) Air Force—32,823 (TCU ranked #14) 2009 Colorado State—31,156 (Ranked #12) UNLV—33,541 (Ranked #8) Utah—50,307 (TCU ranked #4. Utah #16. GameDay on campus.) New Mexico—41,738 (Ranked #4. Undefeated.) 2010 Wyoming—38,081 (Ranked #5) BYU—40,416 (Ranked #4) Air Force—46,085 (Ranked #4) San Diego State—45,694 (Ranked #3. Undefeated.) 2011 New Mexico—33,833 Colorado State—33,650 (Ranked #18) UNLV—32,012 (Ranked #18) Keep in mind that TCU drew these #’s with some of the best teams they’ve had in their entire history. With the exception of one year, their MWC opponents drew flies to AC compared to its capacity and TCU’s proximity to the largest metropolitan area in Texas. Poll rankings--didn’t matter. Winning records—didn’t matter. They got into the B12 for two reasons, in my opinion--the B12 saw that TCU was finally serious about supporting their AD properly, and second--it gave them an entry into DFW for recruiting and alumni support purposes. I don’t think UNT will go to the MWC if they are invited, and I hope they don’t. It’s a bad fit. It would bleed $ from the AD and kill recruiting of every sport in the department. It would be conference purgatory.
  19. Testify.
  20. Neither give me that--hopefully Got5onit specific--tingle, but Rice all day long.
  21. Went by La Sabrocita Sunday as I hadn't been in a couple years. Very reasonably priced, and solid food. Had the barbacoa, lengua, and carnitas street tacos. They don't skimp on the meats, and everything was pretty fresh. Homemade chips with salsa is a great detail a lot of places overlook, with prepackaged chips the norm in many joints. Bottom line is that Denton has several very good taquerias/carnecerias, so you really can't go wrong at many of them.
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