Vito knows about as much as anyone else about how good this year's crop will be. Unfortunately, so does my 4 year old son. But as long as we're gazing into a crystal ball--or for those who are just gazing downward at their sneakers with the ever-present cloud hanging overhead--let's take a look at what Rivals basically had to say in a nutshell: 1. This year's class is ranked higher than the classes for the following 1A programs: Northern Illinois, NM State, Air Force, Muts, Army, Sac. St. Navy. (bowl team) 2. This year's class is ranked roughly equal to the classes for the following 1A programs: Utah State, Wyoming, Directional Michigans, SMU, Cincinnati, ULAMON. And UNT hasn't burned all it's ships yet. Considering the conference UNT competes in, the length of time in D1, the "needs" of the team going into recruiting season, and facilities UNT recruits to--I'm pretty dadgum impressed with this class.