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Everything posted by LongJim

  1. He needs to take his medicine and STHU.
  2. Good morning, emmitt! I just said #2 isn't "too far off". Hard to predict at this stage. I don't have a problem with #2-#5, quite frankly. Who cares, really? But since you asked: Notre Dame hasn't done anything to deserve a top 2, IMO. Their team speed sucks, and tOSU handed them their ass in the Fiesta. They lost to the power teams they faced last year. They would be overrated if ranked in the top 2. "The Greatest College Team Ever" lost their entire offensive backfield, and a couple of their freak OL's. They also lost the MNC to the #2 team in the poll. Ohio State lost 9 defensive starters off a sick defensive team. I don't have a problem with them being #1, because of their QB play. I believe they will lose in Austin on 9/9, however. UT's big question is QB play. They will be sick everywhere else.
  3. Re: Texas #2. I think based on returning/incoming talent, that's not too far off, but no one knows how the QB's will play--and that's the wild card.
  4. I agree, and I think we'll see a world of difference in all the QB's this season.
  5. May be a moot point, because he may have lost his "amateur" status depending on how this turns out.
  6. Me neither!!
  7. Hartley--PK DJ Wolfe--starting CB... This is looking like the tip of the iceberg... Latest from Tulsa World: ************************************************* OU dismisses starting quarterback By JOHN HOOVER World Sports Writer 8/2/2006 4:25:00 PM Quarterback Rhett Bomar's dismissal from the University of Oklahoma football team on Wednesday is the result of an ongoing NCAA investigation, a source within the athletic department said. Speaking on condition of anonymity, the source said the investigation has continued “for a while now,” and offered details of Bomar's and offensive lineman J.D. Quinn's alleged employment at Norman auto dealer Big Red Sports and Imports. The NCAA has been investigating this for about four or five months ago, the source said. “As far as I know, (Bomar and Quinn) were just going into Big Red, clocking in and collecting a check. The bookmaking at Big Red was made to make it look OK, but now Big Red's been taken over (purchased) by someone else and the s--- has hit the fan. “They collected big checks. Huge checks.” The university recently concluded a rigorous NCAA investigation into excessive phone calls made by former basketball coach Kelvin Sampson and his staff. One of the most damning charges by the NCAA -- lack of institutional control -- was dropped by the NCAA enforcement staff. A lesser charge of failure to monitor was assessed by the infractions committee. “The NCAA's been after us a while,” the source said. “They're not going to hit us as hard as USC. But they're going to be watching us.” Stoops said during his annual media golf outing Monday that he expected no personnel surprises when the team reported for preseason practices on Wednesday, but Bomar and Quinn were formally dismissed from the team when the school issued a press release Wednesday morning. The press release did not name the players and said no further comment would come from the school or the team until after the first practice Thursday evening. The press release said the dismissals were permanent and that the players would not be allowed to return to the OU team at any time in the future. Bomar's mother, Patty Bomar, told the Tulsa World, “I'm not going to comment. I'm not going to. I can't right now,” and terminated the call on her cell phone. A voicemail message left with Bomar's father was not returned. According to the release, an internal investigation by the university revealed the players accepted payment over an extended period of time in excess of time actually worked. They received extra compensation beyond that to which they were entitled for employment at “a private business,” which is a direct violation of NCAA rules. “We spend a considerable amount of time addressing our players regarding their personal conduct and the NCAA rules,” Stoops said in the press release. “They know exactly what we expect from them. Ultimately, they have to make right decisions. The same holds true for our boosters. When they do not, the consequences are serious, and we will not tolerate this behavior. “Our team and university actions are necessary because of the intentional participation and knowledge of the student athletes in these violations,” Stoops said. “I firmly believe that our program is stronger than any individual player and that a championship program cannot compromise its values,” he added. “We are proud to represent a university with the highest possible principles,” Stoops said in a press release from OU. University president David L. Boren also commented in the release. “I strongly support the decision of coach Stoops,” Boren said. “Coach Stoops has done the right thing. His action reflects the basic values of our University While this situation is deeply disappointing, the university is sending a clear and unmistakable message that OU will never compromise its high ethical standards or its integrity. “We share the sadness about this situation with our fans and players who have followed the rules, but we believe in our program and in this team, which we know will carry on in the great Sooner tradition.” Athletic director Joe Castiglione said, “I am disappointed in these student-athletes. The education process is something that we take very seriously. We talk about it frequently and include guidelines in many of our printed materials. In the end, individuals must decide right and wrong for themselves and then live with the consequences. Unfortunately, many more people who themselves play by the rules are also affected by these consequences.” Big Red Sports and Imports was the target of another OU internal investigation last winter. The school revealed in April that running back Adrian Peterson -- a frontrunner for the Heisman Trophy this season and a Heisman runner-up in 2004 -- used a Big Red vehicle free of charge for some six weeks. Peterson reportedly tried to purchase a pre-owned Lexus last November, and drove it for several weeks without paying any money to the dealer. He ultimately returned the car when Peterson's mother and stepfather determined the family could not afford payments. OU conducted a five-month review and determined that no NCAA compliance bylaws had been violated. “Based on the information we have gathered,” senior associate athletic director for administration Keith Gill said in April, “we do not believe NCAA rules violations have occurred.”
  8. Pokes are having a field day. Link.
  9. Current scuttlebutt is that this involves Big Red Imports... Where Peterson got his Lexus.
  10. The other is apparently OG JD Quinn.
  11. Just heard about it. WOW. Holy Mackerel!
  12. BTW, quotes like the one below are what Horns are beginning to say about the game in Sept.: "You can bet that the coaches at UNT will have their kids ready to play. They may get their hats handed to them and probably will, but they will give us a game effort. Play hard, fight the battle, and win, but give them the respect they are due."
  13. Watched it last night! Great job, gruu. UNT thoughts: 1. UNT played smart, and were VERY well-coached. Very good, attacking game plan. 2. QB played lights-out. 3. Line play was lights-out. Over their head play. Incredible. 4. UNT was playing a 230 lb NOSE TACKLE?? Wow. Texas thoughts: 1. Metcalf WAS their offense. 2. Underachievers. 3. Outcoached. Thoughts on the "plays": Fumble: Bad call. 1st "TD": To me, this was borderline. I can see that call *not* being overturned if it happened today, but UNT certainly has a beef. 2nd "TD": Bad call.
  14. My uncle worked in the Admin building from 1961-1985 in Business Affairs. He was in the building when it happened.
  15. Wife has to have her fix of smothered steak at Ruby's. Others I enjoy: Denton Co. Hamburger, Bari's, Tomato, Yummy's...
  16. Plus, he'd probably have trouble chewing his food.
  17. Wife is an AHS Eagle.
  18. I think this is a great subject. My favorites: "Swill" category: Sam A, Miller HL, Cold and Free. "Light" category: Miller Lite "Treat" category: Fuller's ESB, Young's Ram Rod.
  19. I think you have a pretty cool wife. My wife *is* a football fan, thank goodness, although not a fanatic. One of the first "dates" we had was an Abilene/Cooper game at Shotwell.
  20. Man, I love King Ranch Chicken! *WINCE!* I pretty much knew the outcome of this after reading that sentence.
  21. Unless the steroids he allegedly took were prescribed by a doctor, he was taking performance-enhancing drugs illegally. So apparently, he thought the laws of the entire nation didn't apply to him. If this is so, then why not let the players do coke and speed--as they used to do--to enhance their performance? What's the difference? No. They should not get a free pass. McGuire and Palmeiro, in particular, are pathetic.
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