That's a stretch. Forget the fact that aTm was voted #1 in 10 out of 13 polls... ******************** And a comment from another board: "In late breaking news, from a poll conducted among all ESPN commentators, USC has been declared NC for all years between 1931 and 2006, inclusive, an incredible 76-peat. Asked whether they expected USC to reign again in 2007, ESPN spokesman Merrill Hoge was quoted as saying, "It don't make a shit." The logic for year 2006 used is that after the game ended, Matt Leinart noted that USC was still the better team, despite the inconvenience posed by the scoreboard. ESPN commentators, apparently agreeing with that logic, are quoted as saying, "Matt said it, we believe it, that settles it". Bumper stickers can be ordered from ESPN on-line. Notre Dame has lodged a protest, complaining that they are due at least half of those NC's by virtue of the fact that they once had a coach by the name of Knute "I'd like to buy a vowel" Rockne, but the ESPN spokesman said only, "i've got your four horsemen", then declined further comment, pointing to his bumper sticker and gaving the press corp the V for victory sign. in theoretically unrelated news, ESPN noted that they had dominated the ratings sweeps in southern california for the first time since pro football left the area. ESPN spokeswoman Ima Hoare commented that the strange circumstance was just an odd coincidence."