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Everything posted by LongJim

  1. It was great while it lasted, I guess? https://apnews.com/aac9a186e851763d60123ad1a4a20471
  2. Because it's the lazy thing to do, and most people don't know who their elected officials are anyway.
  3. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2020/06/30/around-third-no-coronavirus-symptoms-may-have-developed-immunity/
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  4. 👍
  5. Interesting take on what the author views as essentially action vs. ritual. https://reason.com/2020/06/29/kneeling-in-the-church-of-social-justice/
      • 2
      • Eye Roll
  6. Doesn't look like much of anything at this point, actually. Whatever language they use in whatever they come up with better be ironclad, because these types of "solutions" can turn out to be double-edged swords.
  7. A pretty thoughtful keynote address which touches on this subject, why it's important--and is a little more recent. https://president.uchicago.edu/page/keynote-address-occasion-central-european-university-moving-vienna
  8. Hope not, but I guess we'll see. The latest info I have seen has been encouraging though. Agree with your first paragraph. Consideration for others is a good thing.
  9. What's good is that though there has been a rise in positives, the death rate has declined. Hopefully that trend continues.
  10. 😂 Rock on, because we all have our opinions. I would hope people wouldn't take anything in this forum personally. I don't expect anyone to agree with anything I post, for sure! "Good"discussion is in the eye of the reader, as well. I do get something from a lot of the information presented though. Nobody has to--or should--believe or agree with all of, or any of it. 👍
  11. I don't know. I think there's some lively discussion here occasionally. True believers abound though. And that's ok as long as discussion happens. Right? Right???
  12. One in which people prefer to live their existence in either a liberal or conservative echo chamber.
  13. When is he going to tender his resignation and publicly apologize for his offensive comments?
  14. Sounds like maybe you had a bottle of Weller? Which is also in their lineup. Yeah, their "base" bourbon is what I was referring to, but they (as 03 mentions) also make Blanton's and Eagle Rare. Some good stuff there.
  15. My always-on-hand is Evan Williams, but several, including the Four Roses line, and Buffalo Trace are favorites.
  16. Some coverage from Reason: https://reason.com/2020/06/10/seattle-protesters-establish-autonomous-zone-outside-evacuated-police-precinct/
  17. Good post. I think that obviously there needs to be more definition of what this would look like. I think that--as usual--there's a lot of knee-jerking that is hampering constructive/objective examination of how a better paradigm could be constructed. Any new paradigm will obviously have limits as far as practicality, as well. But as I think you are alluding--some kind of change needs to happen in the system such that cops aren't charged with fixing problems they are not trained and equipped to solve. A big piece of that fix that must be understood and overcome is that in the heat of moment, split-second decisions do not always allow for mediation, kindness, or empathy, but rather self-preservation, and the preservation of those they are called to serve. Will be an interesting process, for sure.
  18. And this story seems to be a continuation of how the NYT has evolved. An earlier article from 2018 which gives some perspective. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2018/04/a-woke-civil-war-is-simmering-at-the-new-york-times
  19. Some commentary on the fallout at the New Woke Times. https://reason.com/2020/06/08/james-bennet-new-york-times-opinion-woke-tom-cotton/
  20. From that video, I think it was handled professionally by the cop despite the ridiculous amount of juvenile nonsense he had to deal with.
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