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Everything posted by LongJim

  1. No, I got ya--my wording was probably confusing. You are right--TT has never won an outright football championship! 👍
  2. Yep, this is what I remember, also.
  3. You'd be standing a long time, Jim. Tech was co-champs in the SWC twice. Zip for the B12.
  4. Not sure what you're getting at? What does Young have to do with Bush getting the Heisman trophy back?
  5. "Our Mission. The Heisman Memorial Trophy annually recognizes the outstanding college football player whose performance best exhibits the pursuit of excellence with integrity..."--Heisman Trust
  6. Was up in Santa Fe last month. Really cool town to visit. That area is beautiful. People are nice. Everything's expensive. Lots of weirdos. Felt right at home.
  7. He would not be able to use this picture as above. As I read it, he can only use *his* name, image, or likeness. Not UNT's.
  8. More lunacy from the theatre of imbeciles. Amazing that authors are kowtowing to this nonsense. https://slate.com/culture/2021/06/elin-hilderbrand-casey-mcquiston-antisemitism-israel-social-media.html?utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=MJ_20210611&utm_term=Jolt-Smart
  9. I think it's a start. Both Cinncinnati and Coastal would have gotten in last year if this had been in place, supposedly.
  10. Two years max. Just too much competition.
  11. This guy needs to learn how to use a webcam. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/lawmaker-previously-caught-naked-urinates-on-camera-during-proceedings/ar-AAKtKRe?li=BBorjTa
  12. Maybe we shouldn't be surprised to see John Cena grovel like a dog. Its about the $, after all. https://www.nationalreview.com/2021/05/hollywoods-values-prove-flexible-in-china/?utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=NR Daily Monday through Friday 2021-05-26&utm_term=NRDaily-Smart
  13. Have some experience with one of our kids. I freely admit that I was skeptical about the diagnosis of ADD (which is what we dealt with). We did not have issues with hyperactivity. We tried the meds at prescribed strength, and kid complained that they felt zoned out all day, though they definitely helped with concentration. Checked with doc, who approved cutting dose in half, which worked better. Meds helped with schoolwork, and concentration, but kid did not like taking them because of elevated heart rate. I would definitely monitor how the meds work for your child, and make detailed note of it to report back to your doc. We wanted as little use of meds as possible as long as they were working for our kid. Also, don't be afraid to try a different med if one doesn't work right. A transdermal patch is what worked for us. Easy to cut in half for half a dose if necessary (and approved by your doc). Ours is grown now, and no longer uses meds. Has more control and recognition of when it's necessary to moderate actions and behavior. Good luck!
  14. Very cool.
  15. Kansas is terrible. I went to a game In Lawrence a couple of years ago, and the difference between the atmosphere at a UNT game and a KU game is night and day. Not much fan support, and very blah atmosphere on a pretty campus. Basketball school.
  16. Got to watch the second half of the game. Should be a blast once they are able to put people in the stands.
  17. This actually sounds like fun. Dolezel played for an AFL team called the Milwaukee Mustangs back during the single season Fort Worth had an arena team. Arena games are a blast. May have to tune in to this.
  18. Are we headed for massive inflation? Might be. https://www.bls.gov/news.release/cpi.nr0.htm
  19. Forgot about that place. Good suggestion.
  20. Unfortunately, I agree with MGT. If you want to stay in Denton County, you might try 407BBQ in Argyle. Decent cue there. http://407bbq.com/
  21. All is well, my friend. I don't take this place seriously. It's just a message board, after all!
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