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LongJim last won the day on June 5 2020

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About LongJim

  • Birthday 01/16/1964

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    Denton, Texas

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  1. Excellent! How can we make this happen?
  2. My wife gets that a couple of times a year. It's odd.
  3. Nuanced, thoughtful, or earnestly inquisitive conversation has no place here, sir. Don't offer different perspectives that you may have experienced, or even considered. Those are to be dismissed out of hand because of your perceived biases, and which "other" group you belong to. As determined by us. Stick to knee-jerk name-calling, tribal chest-thumping, and behavior as seen through college freshman/sophomore-level political and social theories, and you'll be fine.
  4. No yelling at clouds here. The audio from his mike was buried in the mix. If you could make out the vocals, then great.
  5. Got a bump to about $800K. Raise
  6. Playing for a title.
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  7. Not sure why you wouldn't want to have a rivalry with a team that you actually have a history of playing. I thought that was the idea of rivalry games, and why folks have a problem with UTSA as a rival.
  8. Students got a ticket, tailgate, and t-shirt for $25, I believe.
  9. Been true for centuries.
  10. Riley blew that program up on his way out the door. They also made a poor choice at QB. That's on Venables. It's a crapshow in Norman right now.
  11. Agree. I don't think this article is specific to NIL.
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