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Everything posted by UNTSportsGuy

  1. The cheerleaders just choose to represent the student body that comes.
  2. nice sub title
  3. I thought it was a rhetorical question.
  4. Shouldn't the manager have checked the bags before they left? They deserve to get fired.
  5. Hopefully this will bring more people out once confrence starts. This is a very exciting team, with lots of promise. They just need a break or two and this games goes in a different direction.
  6. Second missed big chance of the year.
  7. Stewart showing lots of promise today.
  8. Plenty of time left.
  9. The only game I will miss all year, will be the best game of the year
  10. Sturns has become a completely different player than last year. And I am starting to like it.
  11. Oh no, Hank mentioned the cheerleaders !
  12. Time for a big home win this year!
  13. this whole thing is a train wreck and i can't look away...
  14. bump, because I am tired of talking about the cheerleaders... I actually expect a decent crowd for this game. Too bad I booked a plane ticket before I knew that this was a home game Will this game be shown on gamecast? id love to watch it
  15. Could they just split up, put half on each end?
  16. Yes there was a male cheerleader there, I saw him underneath before the game started. Would you want to be the ONE person standing out there represting the cheerleaders?
  17. I would like to set the record straight, there was ONE male cheerleader at the Men's Game on Monday night. So not all cheerleaders sold out, but I don't blame they guy for sitting on the sideline watching if he is the only one there. I also believe that they cheerleading coach was there.
  18. Atleast we already won a higher percentage of home games than football. People still support the JOKE of what we call a football team.
  19. I would highly doubt any student support for the game, everyone will be at home. The kids who live close enough to go are the same ones who go home every weekend.
  20. I am pretty sure RV was pretty busy setting up the player lounge for both basketball teams.
  21. I belive that the cheerleaders only have to do a certain amount of time a weekend or something like that, that is why there was so many there on Saturday night for the guys game. They all choose to do that game instead of the girls game Sunday.
  22. Oh yea, I am tired about hearing about next year, why can't THIS year be something special?
  23. Actually, no. Just I guess just that if you are THAT good, and don't get better at the next level, it probably isn't because you plateau but rather that you didn't work hard enough to get to the next level. I wonder why most transfers do leave their old school, but hopefully we will work out to be like Davis. Hopefully I'll have to eat my words somewhere down the line.
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