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About Bundy

  • Birthday 07/05/1972

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    The Colony, TX

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  1. NO, ¡No!, 不!, Nee!, Non!, Nein!, Κανένα!, לא!, まさか!, Não!, Нет!, Không có! , H-E-Double Hockey Stick NO!!!
  2. Cool! Now the Greeks will have an easier way of getting all their gear to the tailgating spot on top of the hill!!!
  3. WOW - A NT Daily article/LTTE that does not support the Greek Community...SHOCKER! Sounds like this guy would have been better served at the Occupy Denton Rally! Typical G.D.I.
  4. Let us not forget what the Greeks were doing that day too....the Greeks were in the school parade that started at 1pm, did not finish till around 2:30, and the majority of the Greek members did not even start tailgating until an hour before kickoff. Homecoming is a big social networking event for Greeks too...many Alumni come back to see their chapter and hang with the Actives. It is hard to fault the Greeks for a game that got moved up and a parade that did not... It would be nice to see IFC get involved to help increase the Greek numbers in the stadium. Just my humble opinion...
  5. I wouldnt be opposed to having a "MEAN" - "GREEN" chant instead of or part of the "North" "Texas" chant....It just seems like it would sound better in a stadium setting. Can you see schools like TT chanting "Texas" - "Tech"??? The "Raider" "Power" chant is pretty cool in person.
  6. Also, the Student Union at the Galleria is going to be carrying North Texas gear in March. They have really cool shirts and gear for all the college teams.
  7. As long as they dont play "Fly like an Eagle", let them sit wherever they want
  8. http://www.nbcdfw.co...-112040859.html Not sure if you all had heard about this kid yet, but what a great fit he could be for UNT - Plus it is a great story of a good kid.
  9. I thought it would be cool to have some throwback logo t-shirts. I love and hate the flying worm, but stuff like that would be cool. It is amazing what this store has for Tech, Texas, OU and other schools.....if they could just copy half of the stuff they do for them I would be happy.
  10. I stopped by the Student Union at the Galleria yesterday to do some shopping wearing my UNT warm-ups and a UNT Green fleece pullover....needless to say I did it to make a point to the owner. Well sure enough it got his attention. He came over and introduced himself to me and to let me know that come March, they will have UNT mechandise for us to buy!!! He also asked me if I would be interested in helping to suggest shirts and other merchandise that people from the Mean Green world would like....I must say I was impressed. I told him I would post on here and ask for people that are interested in helping to suggest items that we would buy and even come up with designs. If you are seriously interested in having a design, theme, etc for Mean Green merchandise, email me here and I will give you his contact information. Thanks, Bundy
  11. Glad everyone enjoyed the flag, and the location....which happens to be the same location I ALWAYS tailgate at for the past few years. I guess I should have been concerned about the emotional well being of the players seeing a pirate flag....my bad. Thanks for those that came over to discuss the coaching situation, I enjoyed talking to a few of you from the board, even though Mike Leach isnt your choice, I do love the debate of who our coach should be going into next year....and for those of you that didnt come over, but complained on the board that you were offended, you will see the flag at the same spot for the K-State game if we dont have a permanent head coach by then....Maybe by then you will grow a pair and come on over to discuss who you want as a head coach instead of calling me classless on the board. Stay Classy!!! I know I will!!! GMG
  12. Thanks for the support my fellow "LEACH @ UNT" people....and those who understand that tailgating is all about having fun and supporting not only the team but having fun doing other stuff related to UNT Football too. Come on out to say hello, we will be tailgating it up in the Blue lot over by the dance team 18 wheeler starting around 12:30.
  13. Just a reminder to fly the Jolly Roger tomorrow during tailgating!!! GMG!!!
  14. I will continue to be a season ticket holder and donate to the MGC....but depending on who we hire as a head coach will determine how much money I donate to the MGC.
  15. I am just talking about flying the flag at tailgating if you want Mike Leach to come here....my Pirate flag will be flying right below my North Texas flag. I am not talking about dressing up as a Pirate and going into the game, asking Scrappy to wear an eye patch and pirate hat, having a banner brought into the stadium to put up on the deck that says "Spend the money RV and hire Leach now", having the talons build a pirate ship to fire the cannon from, or having a huge pirate flag for the cheerleaders to run up and down the field.....this is just a minor show of support for a coach that some people want to hire on here at UNT....
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