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Everything posted by meaniegreenie

  1. They got new stickers for the DB helmets. Just have to make sure the install them correctly.
  2. First question for any DC applicant... For defensive back's do you coach the players to: Play > 10yds off the line, even on 3rd and 5. Treat the ball like the blinding sun, making sure you never look back at it Never use your arms/hands when encountering an opposing player Disregard #3 when the ball is in the air (but still allow opponent to catch the pass) none of the above Any answer except #5 is a disqualification.
  3. It's off-season, so I'll give an "ok boomer" opinion about the continued degradation of journalism/editing quality. Simple question...read the article and tell me where Leavitt is currently working/leaving.
  4. I don't understand what is the basis for the listing??? Have these players made an announcement? Already graduated?
  5. Make it a combo
  6. Welcome to "Sit Anywhere You Like" day at Apogee
  7. The worst thing about this is it's almost the best performance of an NT HC (top3) over the past 80 yrs.
  8. Yeah, that'd be great upgrade to our current... DB's LB's And OL/DL koala koala
  9. Yes, this is what put us permanently behind the curve. Many of us thought that if we finally got the support, facilities, etc. we'd be able to get out of the ditch, but that may never happen.
  10. Is that really true? Why does whether we show up or not affect how good the team is? I understand the crowd can have some effect on the game but if it's that significant then nobody would ever win a road game. The program has more money, better facilities, etc. than ever in the history of NT football. If how good the team is depends on the attitude of the fans, then that needs to be addressed by the guy making the highest salary of his peers and/or his management.
  11. I'm going just to stick my head in the Ticket Office and say if the they raise ticket prices next year to not waste the postage on sending me a renewal packet.
  12. Somebody needs to show up at Rudy's with this printed out and get SL to autograph it.
  13. For a second there I thought you were from the future (or my TV was way behind!)
  14. we called 2 TO's for this???
  15. They're gonna' run that same play again and the QB's going for 20yds
  16. And get some experience for you next year's QB. That's crazy!!!! /s
  17. Somehow this will be blamed on the fans.
  18. Well, they proved me wrong.
  19. If THIS team gave Rice 8 plays from inside the 10, they'd score 9 times!. (yes, you read that right)
  20. Program says Kevin Wood (FR- LB) That's the kind of mentality you want in a LB.
  21. Good thing we're not playing Portland this year.
  22. Yeah, but it's already being reported that they're plagued with injuries, worse than any team has ever seen in history.
  23. Around December 7, 2018 https://www.cjonline.com/sports/20181207/north-texas-seth-littrell-reportedly-backs-away-from-kansas-state
  24. Well at least the defense has been taught to tackle well. /s
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