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Everything posted by meaniegreenie

  1. Brett's msg was poorly worded but he said "at its season opener" which appears to be referencing the DATCU $500k. I think he was posting now due to nUTSAck making their announcement today.
  2. 1. Same here and parking in Blue went well too. 2. Saw the stations, didn't use, but may in the future. Great idea. 3. Agree that the unified look of the shirts was a nice touch. Also, free refills are now back for drinks. 4. Didn't notice, but agree with your suggestion. 5. Agree. 6. Not too bad in lower 205 except for when the wind would stop. Our section seems to be one of the least filled. I may need to try a different deodorant. 7. Yeah, I walked through the store and it was crowded but seemed to be running smoothly. 8. Definitely glad to not have blank spots anymore (so embarrassing). I liked the new A/V additions but some need to get the kinks worked out. The crowd shots with the filters added seemed to be hit or miss but a good idea. I suspect it was having some problems with face detection in some cases. 9. Agree, but EVEN MORE THANKFUL to not have to watch CUSA refs any more. 10. Yeah, I have no problem in ditching them completely.
  3. I liked Littrell and wanted him to succeed but if he hadn't gotten extremely lucky to have MFine fall into his lap, he would have had virtually no success here, likely no 6+ win seasons (he would have been gone before the 2021 6-7 season).
  4. I'll stay consistent with what I've always said. I don't care to watch semi-pro football. Once it gets to that point (and we're pretty close now), I'll probably be done with CFB. Also, my opinion as to whether we hire Sanders or not has exactly the same affect on who gets hired as does my waving two chicken bones around in a circle under a full moon while singing Free Bird. @Udomann said it pretty well yesterday in this post:
  5. I don't want Sanders anywhere near our program but it looks others are now doing a 180 regarding Sanders compared to 13 years ago.
  6. 34-24 MeanGreen
  7. I'm not convinced that problem is that UNT isn't interested. It may be the same as people saying that I'm not interested in hot girls just because I'm not dating one.
  8. My bigger concerns are 1) the number of incoming vs outgoing (we need much larger incoming numbers) and (related) 2) losing the majority of HS recruits that do become good players to other teams
  9. This. I have absolutely no interest in watching semi-pro football, especially one w/o a salary cap. But, like you said, that's where we are. I no longer watch any pro sports and quit watching NCAA BBall since teams rarely lasted more than 1-2 years. I don't watch P5 games because of the way things have gone and it looks like we're either going to have to behave the same way or be 3-9 forever. Either way, the end is getting closer unless something changes once the 2 big conferences become the main focus of college FB.
  10. That's a small percentage of their fans. Now average in the 300,000 T-shirt fans that bought their shirt at W-mart and contribute $0 to UT.
  11. So, if we aren't supposed to read something into it, what point was he trying to make?
  12. Good point. There were some really good catches. At least 2 or 3 were TDs.
  13. Was wondering what he meant by that as well. Hey, coach, I don't know what you're planning on doing with all those receipts, but this isn't Walmart. There's not a 90 day return policy for recruits that aren't any good or don't fit the system.
  14. Was just going to post that #5 is Texada, who showed some promise toward the end of last season, but did have some plays like this. It was also mentioned last year that despite some of his better play, he's still small. Of course, that makes it even more important to wrap up.
  15. The one when we were down like 20+ points and looking to be more? It should have been dropped. It appears the chant is pre-set to occur at some point in the game. That may be okay if your team is always competitive, but mostly it needs to be organic, occurring at the proper times, and it will be successful if done that way.
  16. He didn't stare at his receivers anywhere near as much as Aune who rarely looked beyond the first receiver. I noted several times where Stone threw to a second receiver.
  17. I like that you provided the option to vote for both.
  18. 21-3 at half 35-6 final
  19. Better than SMUt's "Dallas" attempts, we should embrace Frisco and try to get their support (we certainly don't get it from Denton) with a "Frisco" version of uniforms. Attracting Frisco would pay dividends down the road as it eventually becomes Dallas North. The Cowboys have already seen the light along with many others. Get them feeling like they're a part of the Mean Green Family.
  20. Both sides in unison: Fight!!! (or possibly Go Mean Green!) And agree with others that 3 times isn't quite enough, 6 is probably about right.
  21. And for this, long refers to 20+ yards. It's crazy how many times this has happened.
  22. Wow, after reading this thread I have to wonder why we don't just shut this whole program down now. I guess if we ever win the NCAA tournament then maybe we could expect an upgrade to a Friday afternoon celebration, but as seems to be apparent, none of the players/coaches will be there since they'll all likely be taking direct flights from the Final 4 to wherever their next team is located.
  23. The fact that the new coaches press conference and the NIT celebration are mixed up on a Wednesday noon press conference is all on Mosley and UNT. HOWEVER, the fact that (as far as I can tell) there's been NOTHING planned from the city of Denton is the biggest slap, even though it's not surprising. The Twitter accounts for the City of Denton, CoC, etc. should be on fire right now with people demanding a parade/celebration be setup by the city. They need to be hounded into oblivion for this explicit example of the attitude they have shown for decades.
  24. I guess he didn't consider the idea of presenting a 4-game NIT tourney highlight reel and championship as a way to improve his portal status.
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