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meaniegreenie last won the day on October 16 2024

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  1. Actually, it really only requires a small amount of effort. The numerous solutions almost present themselves.
  2. My family has about 300 acres in the Barton shale but most every hole came up dry. Otherwise, I might have been able to kick in T. Boone Pickens kind of money at UNT to help make things like this happen. I do have plenty of leftover salty water that I can donate for use in making sour punch for the luncheon.
  3. No, I want them to mention it. I wish the announcers on ESPN would have said it every time they mentioned that we'd be traveling instead of hosting and would have mocked us for it. Sissoko struggled a bit in his early career but he did enough to get us that 2023 championship. He's really improved since then being much more confident inside than he was. And he is such a great guy too. I would absolutely love it if he ends up being the difference in a win over Okie State.
  4. Reply: Well, your branding strategy SUCKS and you should resign immediately.
  5. There's at least a half dozen ways this could have been resolved but ONLY if they wanted to resolve it. Moving it would have required a minimal amount of effort but mostly would have resulted in some backlash from a smll number of vocal professors, admin, etc. that absolutely hate athletics. Our weak leadership would rather screw over the fans than face hearing from that small group. I hate to make a political/cultural comparison but it's kinda' like irritating conservatives vs liberals or Christians vs Muslims. The fans are like the former groups, i.e. we'll complain a bit but it won't make much of a stink, whereas those attending the event are more like the latter groups and will be a much bigger thorn in the side of the administration if they are forced to make a change due to silly old athletics. Not only did the administration take the path of least resistance, they also likely support it.
  6. No, move the luncheon into the IPF.
  7. Correct. However, that fan base is part of the problem as it is likely only about 10-20k people. There's a lot of talk about the 400k alumni in the area but the reality is that probably 95% of them don't give a rat's a$$ about NT sports. They didn't when they were in school and they certainly don't 20 years later.
  8. The simple reason is incompetence combined with indifference and apathy along with a little bit of disdain.
  9. I've said numerous times that we should be marketing to Frisco since Denton doesn't seem to want to support us. Even better if we could (ugh) partner up with the Cowboys because they do have clout and facilities. With that, we might have been able to move the game to the Star. It was good enough for the conference tournament. Not the best solution, but at least not a home game for OSU.
  10. Well, it IS going to be streamed on YouTube, so the exposure could be in the Millions Thousands Hundreds.
  11. More like "the place that none of you have ever been except for graduation ceremonies". At one time it was also where nearly 30,000 of us went to register for class every semester. I suspect that's all done online now.
  12. I've posted something like this already and I know you'll only be talking to a lowly volunteer intern, etc. but when you get the next call asking for a donation, tell them this: "Yeah, I was intending to send a check for $5k but I've got a couple of scheduling conflicts that will keep me from getting to that. I realize you don't know what I mean by that, but tell your manager to pass the message up the chain to the President. Hopefully he'll understand what I'm referring to."
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