Drex told me that he read somewhere that JJ liked it so much in there, that he'd like to play a late season game there (maybe against WKU). Okay....but if you do that...make these changes: 1) No blocking of exits like last night. That is ridiculous, and the fire marshall would have had a "cow" if he had seen that; 2) Make ALL of one side the student side....and ALL of the other side the non-student side; 3) To heck with the chairs on the floor. I realize those are for the floor seat people, RV and his family, and Dr. B. But, if you want to have a Snake Pit effect...you've got to put portable bleachers down there. And yes, the floor seat people would have to give up their floor seats, but a lot of us other fans sacrificed last night. Us season ticket holders had general admission tickets...not reserved seats. (And I understand why). So, if we can sacrifice that, maybe the floor seat folks could be asked to give those up....so that portable bleachers could be put in there.....and give it a real Snake Pit atmosphere. Otherwise, play ALL REMAINING GAMES AT THE SUPER PIT. That's my .02.