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Everything posted by H-towngreen

  1. We need Marley. One thing this team is seriously lacking are neck tats. MORE NECK TATS MACK!!!!
  2. Someone brought this up in another thread but tis something that I find very interesting. You can look at Rivals this time of year and see kids with 10+ offers, including some from the Mizzous of the world. Those p5 schools dont wait around for ever for some of their lower rated prospects to commit. This here is where it should greatly benefit UNT and other like schools as the P5 schools are filling up. JT Williams for instance, has a Mizzou offer, who knows if its valid at this point as you would think he would jump all over it compared to his others.
  3. I think it's a great hire
  4. Looks like they were gambling but not on their games.....at this point. http://espn.go.com/mens-college-basketball/story/_/id/10259290/utep-miners-oust-3-hoops-players-gambling
  5. Can the wraps be done in matte?
  6. Whatever happens, I love the Matte helmets
  7. I like them. But I'm starting to sway on this look. When Oregon unveiled them I loved them, now I just think they are Oregon knockoffs....but really badass knockoffs.
  8. uh-oh...... http://deadspin.com/it-looks-like-some-bad-shit-is-going-down-at-utep-1496263057
  9. McNulty, Obi, The kid from PA, a DT from Washington waaay back in maybe 2003??
  10. I think there is another Orr after Nick. fingers crossed on both
  11. Highly Unlikely. Been following NT recruiting since roughly 2000, I can think of just a few non Jucos from outside TX, LA, OK.
  12. My money is on coach Mac to lead this team next season
  13. Tell Mrs. Williams thanks for the update!
  14. Noticed the same things GMG. I think he needs to makeover his body a little bit with Wintrich. His 240lbs could be a little healhier 250lbs
  15. That was really my main point. Have there been QB's who can run prior, yes. But not in the numbers of what we're seeing now.
  16. We've reached a new age in the QB position, you're seeing it all over football right. Look at what Kaepernick did against Green Bay. Go back to Soza against us. We are starting to see mobile QB's, not just athletes at the QB spot, but QB's who can run. Vick is an athlete, Kaepernick and Russel Wilson are QB's who can bolt. Look at the top QB's getting mentioned for the draft this year and next. Manziel, Mariotta, Bridgewater, Hundley. All mobile QB's, on the other end you have Bortles and that's about it. 1) it opens up the playbook. We do run many zone read plays, but how often did DT keep it though? And if he did it usually wasn't a huge play. There were multiple plays a game where we would run zone read, DT would hand off when he had wide open field in front of him. (Disclouse: not trying to talk bad about DT, he knew his capabilities with running) Where as if a mobile QB were at he helm at the least it makes defenders stay honest to him instead of crashing down on the RB. When the QB does keep you hope they can pick up more than 3 yds per play, possibly break one open every now and then. 2) Extending plays. Once the pocket collapes being able to make a move, or slide out of the pocket to keep plays alive. While watching the HOD game, the UNLV QB was driving me nuts in the first half with his ability to extend the life of plays allowing his WR's to get open. 3) Taking off if nothing is open. Even more so than just extending plays, the ability to take off when nothing else is there. Kaepernick did this multiple times last night. Nothing is more defeating that backing a team into a 3rd and 8, making for an obvious passing situation, then covering that 3rd and long perfectly downfield only to see the QB take off and pick up the 1st with his feet. Seeing either Dajon or BB on the field can really change the offense next season. Just a few random thoughts so that I don't actually have to work on a cold cold Monday.
  17. My thoughts exactly. I'd like to see a QB who can open up the playbook a little more. Running obvisouly but also throwing. DT didn't have the best accuracy or arm strength, so we were limited to short and intermediate throws.
  18. Houston already has 25 commits for this class with 3 of those being DE's. I think we're sitting pretty with X
  19. 42 TD 34 INT This is bad....really bad.
  20. This this this The game has changed. You can't compare stats from 30 years ago to today. I mean I guess you can, but its pointless. How about you compare his stats to what other QBs in the country are doing. DT is an avg-below avg QB in todays world.
  21. I was just strolling through the past few years recruiting classes on Rivals and started noticing a trend in regards to our 3* recruits. As in hardly any of them pan out, most hardly even sniff the field. Going back to 2009, kids who were RS SR's this past season. 2009: Shavod Atkinson DT - JUCO who helped plug up the DT spot Jeremy Bean OL Juco Ira Smith DB Juco 2010: Aaron Bellazin DL - Became a great player and lead the league in sacks his sr yr Ryan Downing DB/LB Juco Brad Graham LB Juco Forlando Johnson LB Juco Steven Ford DB Juco Jamison Hughes DB Juco Zach Orr - Do I need to say anything? D'Andre Wood DB Juco 2011: Cooper Jones QB - Moved to TE, may see more playing time next season? Brent Osborne QB Juco Andrew Power TE Juco - played great in his 2 yrs Kerry Swarn DB - left team I believe Freddie Warner DB - has had tough luck with injuries 2012: Boone Feldt OL - Left team due to injury DQ Johnson DB Juco Xavier Kelly DB - is he still with the team? Roderick Lancaster WR - injury plagued Nick Schrapps WR - left team 2013: None
  22. I think we've been close to the same spot but there is plenty to be resolved. We always lost a recruit or two last second.
  23. Not a shot in hell this happens
  24. Lets hope they end up being like this kid who tears it up. http://http://www.wakeforestsports.com/sports/m-footbl/mtt/nikita_whitlock_436051.html
  25. I like another d-linemen but we need way more help at DT than at end.
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