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Everything posted by Rudy

  1. What time do the men play in the BBall tourney
  2. Well gee, like that was difficult.
  3. No excitement here. <_
  4. Im happy for her and UNT, but I cant help but be pissed. She stole awards from Michelle Branch AND Vanessa Carlton. She is not as good as either of them.
  5. Is a freaking joke. I WLL NOT ever pay to watch a fight. My dad paid for the infamous ear-bite fight. You want some REAL boxing? Wait a couple of summers. Its called Olympic Boxing. You want real wrestling? Its called Grecko-Roman Wrestling.
  6. Apparently Mike "Assult and Battery" Tyson has gotten a tattoo on his face. I think he should go with a couple of big red circles on his face to form a TARGET!
  7. The problem is that they don't even hand them out until after they hit enough three's
  8. This started Thursday when I posted this the first time, but like usual, my product is too abrasive. The Pep Band is going to drag the Music Department back down. Thursday, some punk completely disrespected America during the National Anthem. He stood with his back to the flag and his hands on his hips. When I tried to say something, he wanted to start a fight, or something like that. Was the band mad, hell no, they just laughed at it. Typical liberal music students. The same people voted the student fee down after the music department was given national publicity courtesy of the Athletic Department. Saturday night, the same little jerk off did the same thing. He stood with his back to the flag and his hands on his hips. If he hates living here so much, lets ship is ass off to Iraq, where he can get gassed by an insane dictator, and if he says anything negative about the government, he gets tourted and killed. If disrespecting America wasn't bad enough, tonight he decided to disrespect the University and the Athletic Department. During the 2nd half, shortly before the comeback attempt, I looked at the band. Guess what, he was SLEEPING!!!!!!!!!! WTF?!?!?!?!?! Before the game I mentioned the National Anthem situation to one of the music directors. They said ok, we will watch the band. Oh they watched him allright. They watched him and didn't do ANYTHING! You can't tell me they didn't see him sleeping either, I saw him from two sections over!! Last year the band was very into the game, I guess that was short lived. I hope they get on the ball QUICKLY!!
  9. Rudy


    Any suggestions on what song I should put on my computer? Im think of "I'm Still Here" by John Reznik. Any other ideas
  10. That is very saddening news. Im praying for his family and that he is in a better place.
  11. Which trophy are you guys staring at? I keep forgetting. Oh, and Southall's nickname is Jar Jar Binks.
  12. Well, it wont be easy. I have tried, but when I went to the Super Pit's front offices, they said that they couldnt do anything once the basketball floor is put down in October. they said they couldn't take up the floor once it was put down. I was tried telling them how much money a concert would bring in, but they didnt seem to care, or understand. They were just intent on not having to do any extra work to bring up the floor.
  13. 100% behind you. Lets start with that racist hypocrite Louis Farrahkan. I actually watched one of his "sermons" once. He flat out said that the Bush admin conducted the 9/11 attacks. I got an idea, lets put all of those SOB's on a plane and fly thier asses into a building. Better yet, lets all let them see how it is to lose someone close to them in a similar situation. Then we will see who is calling for peace, and who is the "Axis of Evil" I am very opinionated about this, I always have been. But when that plane flew into the pentagon, my roommate at the time, a former USAF personel, lost 27 friends. I have asthma. Yet, I have repeatedly tried to get into the military, before and even more so since 9/11. Even the National Gaurd. but for the time being I am inelgible. IF they do reinstitute the draft, I will go, and i am ready to go. Little pricks like those anti war jerk offs can fall off the face of the earth and I'd be happy to push them!!! Its funny, right as I finish typing this, I am watching a piece on Sportscenter where Roger Clemens visited troops in the Mid East. Makes you wonder where those people's parents went wrong.
  14. I know this is late, I had to work so much during the break, I did not have a chance to put this in. I have probably left some details out by accident, or because they probably should not be on the board First of all, if you don't know, for the past 6 years, I have been one of the flag runners in Talons. Until this year, I was pretty much the only one who ran. Talons arrive in NO Sunday night and we make it out to the TGI Fridays over on Royal. We sit there for a couple of hours and finally make it out around 11:30. My older brother in Talons(alum), my little brother, and I head down to Bourbon St and run into another former Talon. All of us walk around and mingle with fellow greenbloods. Monday: Myself and my two Talons brothers walk about near the hotel and the French Quarter. We arrive in time to see the infamous, and disgusting, crow eating event. Utterly disgusting!!! Just the smell of the crow being cooked made me want to puke. Well I managed to to get a picture of the event. Soon after, I was encouraged by someone(I can't remember who) to call JayDub and ask if he was going to eat his share. Soon after Justin enters and has his dinner Fellow greenblood and friend Brad Olsen gives us a card informing us of the hospitality suite. One our way back to the hotel we run into some Cincy fans and converse with them. They may have been few in numbers, but they were friendly. We go to the hospitality suite and meet and talk to more UNT fans. Just a side note, did anyone else look out of the window from there. It was a cool site to look down Canal street. It was very uniform in look. All of the street lights were perfectly aligned, and WORKING. All of the street lights chaged in sync. It was quite a sight. Afterwards, we went down to the coaches show. I enjoyed it this year. The large room, small stage, and rows of chairs was a very nice touch. Even better, Nearly all of the seats were filled. There was a rather large number of fans standing behind and around the seats. After the coaches show, i had to go take a short nap and get some rest before a night of Burbon St. I woke up and my little and I met my big from Talons outside the Marriot. I was greeted with a suprise. A couple of Talon amluni had made it in that day and were going to join us. We cruise up and down cheering with fellow Mean Greeners. I can't believe how much fun I had. Just letting loose. At one point, we were passing someone getting arrested, probably a homeless person. I took one look at him as we crossed the intersection and started singing, Na Na Na, Hey Hey Hey, Goodbye Late that night, one of the alums had one too many shots at Razoos. It took forever, but we managed to get him past the prostitues and the no goods to his hotel. But of course he had to stop and try to make a free phone call from a payphone. And Remember the Lucky Dog stands out on Bourbon. Well, as he put it, "I gotta ride the Lucky Dog!!!" Thankfully we stopped him. Tuesday, not much happened. Pretty much hung around and went to eat with some other alums. That evening, a group of us Talons walked to the Superdome. It felt nice to be back. I took my field pass and as I walked onto the field, it felt like We Belonged there. It seemed like it was only yesterday that I had been there to watch us play CSU. It just felt good to be back. It was a huge rush to run the flag in front of the team as they took the field. I have run it at many games, even in front of 80K+ at the Oklahoma game. This had to be bigger. It was a bowl game, on national TV, all eyes were on the game, the team, and the university. I can post my thoughts from the game later, but for now, I can tell you my biggest memories. During the game, one stands out. In the 3rd quarter, I was standing on the sideline while My little carried the flag. I saw Galbreath break a tackle and get into the secondary. I ran to the end of the endzone to watch and cheer for him as he sprinted into the endzone for a touchdown. Then something happened that I had always wanted. Galbreath did not stop running. He ran right up to me and let me celebrate with him. I was so excited that all I could do was hug him and pat him on the helmet. I know it sounds lame, but in 6 years of being on the field, I always wanted to be there just once to celebrate with the team. It finally happened. When the game ended, we could not carry the flag on the field. I dont get it, but oh well, screw em, we waved the flag in front of the stands. When they brought the stage out, we asked again if we could run the flag on the field, the guy said yes. At this point, I thought let them try to aresst me. Lets see them do it with 10K UNT fans, football players, and athletic staff there. Surely they would defend us. We ran the flag around the stage a couple of times, then parked it behind the stage. We took turns holding the flag while each of us congratulated people. Here is the really cool part. After Kevin got his MVP Trophy, he came down and I asked if I could hold the MVP Trophy. Not only did he let me, but I got a pic of us together while I held the trophy. After that, I walked up and down the sideline congratulating and thanking the players. As I celebrated with some fans, some complete strangers leaned over and said thank you to me for being so enthusiastic. It was really cool to feel like I was appreciated and we were ALL a family. Afterwards, it was more partying with fellow greenbloods. It was cool to go up and down and chant "UNT" and "Go Mean Green" in the middle of the street. The only complaint is that there was not enough merchandising. The only place to buy NO Bowl merchandise was at the small store across from the hotel. I do wish that Cincy had been able to bring more people, but its understandable why they couldn't. All said and done, this had to be one of the best times of my life. Meeting new UNT fans, talking with old ones. Just forgeting all of my problems, and having a great time, and enjoying the new sucess of UNT. Certainly it will continue to get better. As I told the players when I thanked them, I have been waiting for this for 6 years. If this was my final game as a student, there is no better way to go out. In my final game I finally get to celebrate with a player after he scores. UNT is on its way to the top !!! It just seems like a fitting way to graduate. I cant wait to go back. When is Spring Break??????
  15. EXACTLY!!!! I have never seen it put a more perfect way. Those morons want all the freedoms, but wont pay for it. As far as the name "War Wargon" goes. I think it is a great name. If my house were to catch fire, I want the firefighters to come with the attitude, intent, and determination to put it out. That name demonstrates that. I dont want the Helper Wagon to come. Anyone who drives that only wants to help put the fire out. I want someone who will go to war against the fire! Keep up the good work!!!
  16. I have a room at University Courtyard Apartments. bedroom and private bathroom. If you want to know more, send me a PM.
  17. My nomination has to be "the cube". So pathetic, it doesn't deserve to be capatlized. I agree with Shaq's acting capabilities, but Blue Chips was a decent movie. I recently saw abandoned. Good storyline, and interesting ending, but for most of the movie, it rattled on without direction.
  18. I agree completely about the sorry officiating and the moronic coach being on the court, the entire game. What really pissed me off was the classlessness of the ULAR players. Not only were they taunting, but that lanky jerk off Yancey actually turned to the crowd, more specifically the Talon's, and grabbed his crotch, for several seconds. Im all for the fans and players having some good natured ribbing, but that was completely uncalled for.
  19. TWU has one of the best kinesiology departments, and maybe the best kinesiology lab in the nation, equipment wise. From that standpoint, it would be a good move for us to "takeover" TWU. But if they want thier independence from us, more power to them.
  20. She went to UNT??? When? I don't know much of a background about her. Is she still living in the area?
  21. Wow, aren't you clever. Do you always take things so litterally?
  22. Yeah I know they did win. What I meant was that EVEN if they had not won, they still looked good.
  23. I consider myself somewhat of a uniform guru, I have had in interest in them since I was in elementary school. Here is what I think of the uniforms of the prefessional Dallas teams. Cowboys: Classic. Some things should never change. I just think they should wear the blue jerseys more. Stars: The jerseys with the Star outlining the jersey is different. However, I always liked the first ones they had. The Home jerseys were great, but the roads were plain. I would go back to the home jersey and for the road jersey, have the green with the thick black stripe from the top of the shoulders all the way down. Mavericks: Should have stayed close to the classic "M" with the hat. They should have made a slight change to the uniforms, and kept something very close to the hat logo Rangers: The old dodger-like blues were great, but they were right to retire those when they moved to the Ballpark. The following red uniforms were excellent. Bright, sharp, stylish, and sleek. They made a HUGE mistake to go to the current blues. Anaheim moved to the all red uniforms, and they looked good, even if they didnt win the World Series. Burn: Never really seen them. Sidekicks: I haven't seen what they are throwing out there now, but I liked the old green ones they used to have.
  24. Agreed, the Mavs should not have strayed far from the classic "M" with the hat. The old Rangers blue with the Dodger-like script was great, but I think it was the right time to change uniforms when they changed stadiums. I think they should have stayed with the red uniforms they had. Anaheim changed to red this year and look how sharp and stylish they were.
  25. Honestly, I don't care what logo they use, just please bring back the red uniforms. Those were good uniforms. These blue ones don't work. <_
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