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Coffee and TV

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Everything posted by Coffee and TV

  1. Yeah, sorry, but the 16th amendment was properly ratified.
  2. In other words, "graphs state facts, and we Republicans don't deal in facts".
  3. Did that last summer on a warm June day as we were fighting the rain. Low clouds rolled in about 15 minutes after we got up there, it was a cool sight. Went outside to basically walk in a cloud & with the wind it was 20 degrees cooler than on the ground that day. Hot Springs has an aquarium but its more like an oversized pet store. It is cheap though. The Mid-America Science Museum is decent too.
  4. I'll take terrible untrue Republican talking points from 2004 for $1200, Alex.
  5. This is complete speculation, but I would bet that a dark horse candidate for the vice presidential nomination is Jan Brewer in Arizona. That is if Romney is the presumptive nominee.
  6. Ok. Keep cherry picking to hold out hope for a R president. The economy is improving, it has been improving, and will continue to improve. Sorry that won't work out for you politically.
  7. That was Congress tying his hands on that. yep. yep. That was a compromise though. Republicans weren't budging on extending unemployment benefits. Yep.
  8. What realm is that? Reality? Had him in Tora Bora, didn't put enough troops in place. He then slipped into Pakistan. Now you're just framing the argument in whatever way you wish to try and put words in RCade's mouth. What sort of intelligence was gathered under Bush's admin that helped him be captured? I'm waiting. Bush basically said he didn't care. It was his words. You can try and skew the context all you want, but he said it wasn't a concern and then did all he could to focus the public's attention on his Oedipal conquest of Iraq. So in place that in December 2009, Robert Gates himself said that "they had no leads on bin Laden in years". Now, who's playing politics here?
  9. Keep pinning your hopes to polls from 1980, as if the science of it hasn't advanced light years since.
  10. I like how you resort to name-calling (something that liberals are constantly accused of on this board) just because I believe in weed legalization. Nevermind that I don't smoke. I also don't shoot guns, but believe in the 2nd amendment. I'm not religious but believe that you should be free to worship however you'd like, so long as it doesn't infringe on anyone else's rights.
  11. And this is different from DOMA versus states with gay marriage, how?
  12. And yet 22 states already have it decriminalized or laws that allow medical marijuana.
  13. Don't bother man, they'll just talk to you like you're an idiot and then stereotype you to try and make their point. Its impossible for people to actually use things like facts and studies. They think that once they've graduated college that reading is too much work. You're absolutely right by linking to the gallup poll. The overall trend is towards legalization because despite what the reefer madness crowd would have us believe, pot's not all that harmful. Sure maybe the feds aren't interested in legalization, but like gay marriage, the more and more states that pass laws and open up to the idea that their state won't fall off into the ocean, the more representatives at the federal will be pressured to act. Here's another baby step: (Sorry it links to NORML, but its legitimate) Colorado referendum to regulate marijuana like alcohol It won't pass, but I'd expect it to get 40-45% in a state like Colorado. Something that would never have happened 20-30 years ago.
  14. Back to the topic at hand: Michigan will be really close tomorrow. Santorum will do better in more sparsely populated areas, so preliminary results might show him with the lead while Romney catches up with a stronger showing in Southeastern Michigan. It'll all depend on which precincts report when. Might be in for a long night there. Looks like a complete toss-up. Arizona has turned for Romney, depending on the enthusiasm gap he might pull off a 10 point win there. Maybe. If Romney wins both states tomorrow night its difficult to gauge whether that translates to Super Tuesday. So far Santorum is looking really good in those states but maybe people will perceive Romney as still the front-runner if he pulls it off tomorrow night.
  15. Whoaaaa $58,000? That's outrageous! Meanwhile in the Republican field, the only reason Santorum and Gingrich campaigns still exist are from a select few wealthy donors. Super PACs bankroll Republican candidates You said Obama's fundraising was drying up? Yet that's far from the truth. Its quite the opposite. Its the Republicans that have a hard time getting small donors, because 55% of Republicans wish someone other than the current crop of candidates was running. Is Romeny's cash drying up? Big donors bankroll Romeny 2011 Year-End Fundraising
  16. I guess all the Dutch euthanasia BS Santorum was spouting is just "Catholic" too, right? http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/fact-checker/post/euthanasia-in-the-netherlands-rick-santorums-bogus-statistics/2012/02/21/gIQAJaRbSR_blog.html
  17. BTW, if JFK's speech made Santorum 'sick', I wonder what he thinks of Jefferson's writing here... http://www.loc.gov/loc/lcib/9806/danpre.html
  18. Except that newsbusters link you posted in the gas prices thread a few days ago...
  19. I love this line of BS reasoning: "He has nutty beliefs, but he would never try to impose them on us as the leader of the free world! He couldn't possibly!" lol
  20. Santorum received a BS From Penn State, an MBA from the University of Pittsburgh, and a law degree from Penn State Dickinson school of Law. http://www.youtube.com/embed/NkjbJOSwq3A
  21. Mulatto is actually an outdated term to use. Some might consider you racist for even using it. I don't, I'm just pointing out the irony here.
  22. Watssuuuupppp??? Keepin it real in the chill.
  23. I predict that's the worst prediction since Y2K.
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