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Coffee and TV

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Everything posted by Coffee and TV

  1. I could listen to people speak Spanish all day. I can listen to French for about 3 minutes.
  2. Well if Joy Behar said it then it must be true...
  3. Oh right, because nobody ever votes outside their party? Want me to show you the poll that had Obama over Romney 12 points in Ohio then?
  4. It's called nuance Rick, and I'm not surprised you don't understand. Hard to cheer for the Mean Green when you see everything in black n white, eh?
  5. I wouldn't recommend that. It probably wouldn't absorb very well and just break up into smaller pieces.
  6. Obama up by 8 in Virginia Poll If Romney can't win Virginia, it doesn't even matter what happens in Florida or Ohio.
  7. Moving the goalposts as I expected. It was fairly evident from the beginning that this was a racially motivated, completely unnecessary killing, and the police did a crummy job investigating. But you kept begging for people not to jump to conclusions. Now that more facts are out and its pretty apparent that it wasn't self-defense, you label everyone else as an angry mob who simply wants to dish out vigilante justice.
  8. At the 2:20-2:23 mark you can hear Zimmerman say "effing coons". Yeah, his story is totally believable....
  9. At the focal point of a shoot scandal: A mild-mannered neighbor who fixated on crime and focused on young, black males. Racist or not, this guy's got issues, and an innocent teen died because of it.
  10. If Western beats Kentucky today. Well...this post exists.
  11. Alcohol and driving have taxes? You don't say!? I didn't realize either were guaranteed by the constitution like voting is. I'll be damned. As for the rest, yyz said his piece, & I said mine. I won't get into a 4 page debate about it.
  12. Not if its free, no. Cool. Well take your case and go argue it, but its already been basically settled. Its a poll tax. If its a substantial burden on voting, its been ruled unconstitutional based on the equal protection clause. Seems to still apply if you look at the statistics. I don't think we should put burdens in place to keep the American people from voting, period. I do not favor any attempts to suppress Democracy. My argument is that these rules only apply to suppressing Democratic voters because generally minorities and the poor vote for Democrats, the same people who generally would be burdened by these laws. On what grounds do you assume that that statement applies to non-citizens or illegals? Then why pass laws that create barriers to something as fundamentally guaranteed as voting?
  13. It has to be required for free.
  14. How does anyone know you don't have superpowers? I mean, I'm not finding any, but that doesn't mean you don't.
  15. Like the (now expired) assault weapons ban? Or the Brady Bill? I hope not, I know some really cool Mexicans.
  16. Remind me to light up a joint at the first post-legalization tailgate we have. I'll have a cigar without weed waiting for you.
  17. It is a poll tax, and the courts have said as much. Voter fraud isn't any sort of widespread problem. Not in Texas, not really anywhere in the United States these days. This bill passed in the state legislature was nothing more than red meat issue for conservatives to eat up. It was pretty much destined to get struck down by the Justice Department and/or courts. Perry just wanted something else to appeal to the base for his Presidential run. In order to provide proof that you're a citizen for said ID, there's still additional costs to get something like a passport or a copy of your birth certificate. In principle I don't have a problem with that, but its not about preventing voter fraud, its about keeping Democratic voters off the rolls.
  18. Only if you wanna forget about the 14th, 15th, and 24th amendments.
  19. Nice. Although Lucille would never say she only tried drinking once.
  20. That poll just tells me that 65% of America is stupid.
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