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Coffee and TV

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Everything posted by Coffee and TV

  1. "Don't you see you're not helping Christianity, you're just making rock n roll worse?" - Hank Hill
  2. Do we even want the MWC at this point? I'll be honest, I get tons of channels for college football and I don't remember seeing them on much. I know NBC Sports has a few games, do they have any sort of ESPN contract? CBS Sports? EDIT: The Mountain doesn't exist anymore either.
  3. http://www.nytimes.com/2005/07/17/business/yourmoney/17costco.html?pagewanted=all&_r=1&
  4. EDIT: - Just wanted to see you guys defend the cop Semi-NSFW (language) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJV2BsM12sY
  5. I'm calling the hyperbole police on you.
  6. Because they have horrible labor practices.
  7. The working/middle class. But go ahead, keep carrying the water for people like Sam Walton's kids. Born into being billionaires without ever having to lift a finger.
  8. The only call it class warfare when we fight back.
  9. At this point I almost see the Big East just getting "merged" into the ACC. And of course by merge I mean takeover.
  10. Republican Logic: bad intelligence that lead to the unnecessary Iraq War costing trillions of dollars & thousands of American lives = Secretary of State nomination. Bad intelligence about the mindset of terrorists who killed an ambassador = no Secretary of State nomination. Consistency. You has none.
  11. More evidence that Republicans hate science. They somehow believe that marijuana and heroin are the same thing.
  12. Republican. Which makes the whole idea of him being a fall guy for the Obama Administration that much more hilarious.
  13. Rick still living in the echo chamber I see.
  14. That's silly. The cartels might focus more on harder drugs, or turn to some other illicit activity, but if people can grow their own bud, they'll grow it as weak or as strong as they desire.
  15. Wrong again. I occasionally have too much to drink, but always sober up before I ever drive home. And I would toke up, but also would avoid the car afterwards.
  16. If legalization increases use, then therefore we can conclude that those people were respectful/wise enough of the laws to avoid it before. Therefore, you can also conclude that those same people would be respectful/wise enough of the law to also avoid use while operating a motor vehicle.
  17. I think you missed my point...
  18. Most. Probably not Meth or Heroin. Cocaine....ehhh.... I kinda feel the same way about drugs that I do guns: if you put too many restrictions on them, then the only people who will have them are criminals. EDIT: A study came out a few years ago from British scientists who studied the physical, social, and economic effects of every drug. Stuff like marijuana and pure X came in lower on the scale than alcohol and tobacco.
  19. Packs of cigs in Manhattan have gotten so overtaxed that people bootleg from Jersey or Connecticut and sell looseys on 5th Avenue for a buck a piece.
  20. Most drugs should be legalized, taxed, and regulated.
  21. I did too. Everyone's just sooo stupid. I'm so much smarter than all of these sheep that actually believe in voting. Baaaa Baaaaa, everybody look at me, I'm sooo much smarter than you guys.
  22. And I think it might have something to do with the vegetation in the Northeast. The same winds that might snap some branches in a North Texas thunderstorm were snapping trees in half like toothpicks, or just pulling them out of the ground altogether. I guess the oaks and pines just can't bend like the palms or live oaks in more hurricane active areas.
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