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Coffee and TV

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Everything posted by Coffee and TV

  1. I'm not, I'm hating on your circlejerk, brah.
  2. Derek Thompson healed the leaper and fed 5,000 with just a few fish and loaves of bread.
  3. With the exception of Boise State, all those programs are as mired in mediocrity as we are currently and Boise is having their worst season in maybe 15 years. I don't know what makes you so jealous of them, especially Troy.
  4. Here we are 3 weeks after the original diagnosis and the only person dead is patient zero. The only 2 other people who are infected are people who handled his fecal matter and vomit at his most contagious time. Why are we panicking again?
  5. This isn't too far out of the norm for McCarney either. He had some great seasons at Iowa State (which is nearly impossible for anyone), and some down years. In the grand scheme of things he did a pretty good job at a very tough place to win. I think we just lost too many guys this year, it's natural for college football. We're not someone like OU who can just reload year after year, we recruit and sign guys who were overlooked in high school, guys who have to develop in college instead of being automatically ready to tear it up Freshman year.
  6. I just want ala cart cable where I can pay per channel rather than a package. I know there was some FCC ruling that was supposed to open that up a few years ago, but apparently its not happening yet. :-/
  7. I'm not worried, I got my flu shot yesterday.
  8. Surely there's not that much difference between these two teams from last season. Meaner Greener 41 USM 27
  9. The Ft Worth doc that contracted it in Africa & beat it gave a blood transfusion to the nurse. #Science
  10. Are you serious? Jesus Christ. I'l just keep it on other games this afternoon. This hurts.
  11. Of course we're basing this off of an "if" because the regulations weren't in place. Oh they did? Like when Republicans cut back security at foreign embassies before Benghazi?
  12. From your article: He wasn't sick, and he didn't know he was exposed to a person who was sick. The regulation wouldn't have mattered even if it was in place, and it wasn't a very good regulation to begin with. Had it been applied the dude could have been quarantined in an airport for up to 3 days, and he still would've been let go because he was asymptomatic. Cute headline for your type to parrot, but the devil is in the details.
  13. Can't believe Washington and Colorado legalized weed. Weird how they just fell off the face of the earth like all those states that legalized gay marriage.
  14. Look who you're asking brah. And while I'm no fan of Jesse Jackson, the family invited him to Dallas and nothing in his press conference had any racial undertones. It's angry white conservatives just looking for another partisan battle when there isn't one.
  15. The squealing you speak of was the color guy though. The play-by-play dude did a pretty good job describing what happened even though he had heavy emotions.
  16. Just another reminder that conference reshuffling is killing all the good rivalry games.
  17. While guys like Gus Johnson can go way overboard, I don't fault the Auburn guys at all for that call. I think I was in hysterics watching that play unfold on TV and I'm not even an Auburn fan. You expect a little bit of homerism for those types of broadcasts, and what exactly could the color commenter add to that play besides the pure emotion that was pouring out of him at that time.
  18. Yeah god forbid they incorporate breast cancer awareness in their uniforms....
  19. I misread slightly. 2009 results were based on 2005-2009 recruiting.
  20. We actually played a little better on the field than the guys we recruited during the Dodge years. If you can believe that... http://regressing.deadspin.com/chart-which-ncaa-football-teams-outplay-their-recruit-1640831522/+benes?utm_campaign=socialflow_deadspin_twitter&utm_source=deadspin_twitter&utm_medium=socialflow
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