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Coffee and TV

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Everything posted by Coffee and TV

  1. I remember when American crumbled after we let in the Irish and Italians and Hungarians and the Czechs and...
  2. I don't know Rick, maybe we don't need pictures of the bodies? I should make this my new sig.
  3. I live two blocks away, my apartment has a great diagonal view of Lamar Street and the BOA Plaza. Saw tons of cops rushing towards the scene. I knew immediately that it was gunshots and something really bad was going down. I figured that someone had either opened up on BLM protest or the cops escorting the protest. Really heartbroken that I was right. Love each other guys, violence is never the answer.
  4. And with this ignorance you'll always stay a small business. Remind me again what business this is so I can make sure others won't frequent it?
  5. Good idea. What a boost to the economy that would be. You'd have so many more 20-somethings able to buy houses, invest & save for the future, and maybe have the capital to start new businesses.
  6. Like paying for their social security and medicare while being overburdened with student loans? Yeah, happening right now as we speak.
  7. All while their generation was responsible for rearing and raising the younger one.
  8. Wow, this is the shit conservatives actually believe...
  9. I didn't bring it bowling dude. I didn't rent it shoes, I didn't buy it a freakin beer dude.
  10. How does UAB get 21 three star recruits? Maybe we should have just shut our football team last year too.
  11. That's funny, because I find that to be the opposite of all my soccer friends. They pretty much all pull for either of the Manchester clubs, Chelsea, Liverpool, or Arsenal. It's even worse when all my "Bundesliga" friends alllllllll support Bayern Munich. Must be tough for them... I have one friend actually from East London who pulls for West Ham, and another friend who did a semester abroad and fell in love with Fulham. I support Everton myself as they were the first to grab onto an American outfielder oh so long ago with Joe Max Moore.
  12. Update: The Martian had a good cast, and I initially liked the first hour or so, but after that it got kind of tired. It was too Murphy's Law and drawn out. Sometimes you just gotta keep it simple, stupid. So I've seen every best picture nominee except Mad Max. I'd still give the nod to The Big Short or Spotlight.
  13. I do like Chief Brown's hipster glasses that he wears.
  14. I could see Houston and Memphis to the Big 12. AAC might grab Southern Miss maybe...Marshall?
  15. Yeah to hell with the suffering of innocents who want to be Americans at no cost to you, it's easier to just be fearful and lock everyone out. We should have kept all the Irish out when they were in their constant conflicts with Great Britain over the last few centuries.
  16. Let's kick out all the white guys who shoot up abortion clinics and schools and congressional meet and greets and movie theaters and take over government buildings asking for cigarettes and booze....
  17. People will only put up with it for so long. Just ask Mike Leach.
  18. You....I like you. Although I thought the Modest Mouse album was a big letdown. And I'd probably put My Morning Jacket at the top, that was such a beautiful album.
  19. For me personally it was: 1) The Big Short 2) Spotlight 3) Room Haven't seen The Revenant or The Hateful 8 yet, but I suspect I'll like them. Although I wouldn't consider them the "best made" films this year, I really enjoyed Legend and Love and Mercy as well. I liked most everything I went to the theater for, except for 33, they absolutely failed on the execution of that film.
  20. http://football.fantasysports.yahoo.com/bowl/group/112
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