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Coffee and TV

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Everything posted by Coffee and TV

  1. I'd call it pretty resolved though, which is good considering my original reply.
  2. Right, but NATO is an alliance treaty, ideally we don't want Berlin or Prague wiped off the map any more than we do DFW or Pittsburgh.
  3. It's not that deep dude, you ranted about young people while declaring yourself part of that generation. I rolled my eyes at the time but when you come at me with stuff like "you don't know what you're talking about", I'm going to bite back.
  4. I get the frustration, but you gotta keep it all in perspective. Afghanistan was not unilateral, and Iraq was an illegal war, and neither of those countries were nuclear powers either. Putin is unhinged so even an air strike against Russian targets or something similar would possibly see him launch a nuke that could wipe out an entire city. It might spell the end of him and/or his government, but that doesn't mean he won't do it.
  5. No, I clarified what I meant. Nobody's trying to be cute and play with semantics. In the thread about the anti-trans jerk you said or implied you were around your 30's. You can be 18 and still have the same mindset as a someone who is 65. I'm very likely older than you myself.
  6. I don't think you're a boomer, I said you make boomer rants. So in general, we agree. But with your big boomer energy you immediately patronized me and tried to call me out as stupid, rather than possibly re-reading what I said or replying with any sort of clarification.
  7. Your vet just called, he says the Ivermectin for your "horse" is ready.
  8. Then I just look like the asshole rather than these jokers who think they can patronize me every time I open my mouth.
  9. Doesn't stop you and your boomer rants about young people in the politics threads. My point wasn't about what people are paying for private school in Dallas, my point was that sending a kid to a private school is pretty much pointless until they've reached adolescence.
  10. Only an idiot would spend 30k a year for a kid's elementary education, but we're way off topic now. Nevermind that once you're in junior high and high school DISD has some of the best magnet schools in the country...
  11. Putin was waiting for Trump to pull us out of NATO in his 2nd term.
  12. Nope. EDIT: I stand by what I feel about his sponsors, but that FIRE group you linked to is interesting. When I was searching for more info about this case I did see some other first amendment suits they're taking up that seem to make them consistent with their ideology.
  13. Based on the history of that sponsor: extremely likely. They're homophobic zealots who do nothing more than try and push their belief systems into our schools and life under the guise of protecting religious freedom.
  14. lmao, yeah totally invalidates everything else they do and definitely puts them in worse regard than an anti-gay dark money PAC.
  15. Oh I wonder who they are...https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alliance_Defending_Freedom Ah. Tells me all I need to know about this suit.
  16. https://youtu.be/GM-e46xdcUo
  17. If I have to sign in to my account one more time I'm gonna throw my TV out the window.
  18. Even better would be to incorporate the NIT to be a loser’s bracket for NCAA teams. Could take all the 2nd round losers and have them face NIT 2nd round teams? Or whatever makes the numbers work.
  19. What you see is everyone’s real time reactions in a world where little filter exists. A roller coaster game is gonna bring roller coaster emotions, and overreactions are a part of that.
  20. Refs gave it to us, but can’t nobody take it away.
  21. And they just made the play-in game.
  22. It will do absolutely no good to get this woman/organization off of campus. It will only empower their victimhood and they will forever spin it as censorship, and half the public will agree without knowing anything other than the name of the organization.
  23. A choke job is when you beat yourself after being in a favorable position, which we definitely were in this scenario. If LA Tech let us come back to win like they did in Ruston it would have taken the same definition.
  24. Yeah it's been such a long drought for the Houston Astros...
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