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Coffee and TV

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Everything posted by Coffee and TV

  1. The persecution fetish is strong in this thread.
  2. Sociology: Race, Class & Gender Would recommend as an elective for anybody, though this was like 2005.
  3. I'm just not gonna bother with anyone on this subject. I could tell how viral this was going to be so I put it here purely as news content in this case. If someone wants to claim there's only two genders or say that sex and gender are the same, my only reply is that UNT taught me different, and I'm a millennial who hasn't been inside a classroom since 2007.
  4. You're just listing facts but not really reaching a point here while entirely missing mine I guess.
  5. Sorry all of my shit is from Reddit today but that's where the videos all are...more cool Russians doing the right thing
  6. I still can't reason why anyone on the right or the left would give two shits what any of those birds have to say, like they're experts on literally anything other than blabbing to each other. Here's a cool Russian instead
  7. ***Click on the video to pause or start it, I guess it has no volume control unfortunately.***
  8. It does actually matter, and as I understand it the number of scholarship players has to remain around the same. Football has no equivalent to that so in a majority of D1 schools you'll find they have more sports offered for women to counter that differential. If you wish to add baseball to UNT you'll need to find the money to fund another sport for women as they already have softball and now they'll be 15 or so scholarships shorter. That's my interpretation of how it works at least.
  9. And at some point threatened to take that money back if they didn't name it after Darrell f-ckin Dickey of all people...
  10. Almost like one of them is a requirement under Title IX or something...
  11. The first impression I got of Mattress Mack was from my freshman/sophomore roommate who grew up in Houston, he was surprised we didn't have Furniture Galleries and I didn't know of the dude's commercials. He just straight up described the dude as making all of his money in drugs and that the furniture store was just a front lol. I'm sure if that was still the case today something would have been uncovered in the last 20 years, but it's funny that that was my first impression to later hearing that he was an alum and built the new practice facility.
  12. It appears as though the Russians took them as POWs after it was originally reported they had all been killed. https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-698897
  13. Nah, I do find it funny how short he looks next to his players though.
  14. I don't know, was the President making a speech beforehand there? I'm dying to hear what politician you think lead the charge for CHAZ to be an actual thing that happened. Yeah they only wanted to reach Democratic politicians and kill them or Pence to prevent the vote tally from being read so Trump could declare martial law, totally not an insurrection. It was just a coincidence that their plans to disrupt Congress and hold them hostage happened to be on that day. It's totally just a coincidence that Lauren Boebert tweeted out that morning that it was gonna be 1776 again. Listen man, you've offered little to no argument in any of these posts beyond just a half-ass attempt at internet coal rolling. I understand that after 45 days of no matches on tinder you can get a little frustrated, but I give no rat's ass for anyone who is going to name call and come at me personally. Grow up or gtfo.
  15. Stay off of facebook. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2021/12/16/fact-check-no-trump-request-10000-guard-troops-jan-6/8929215002/ It was Trump who gleefully watched TV as the capitol police did all they could to hold back the idiots with no national guard reinforcement though.
  16. Not a liberal, I do hate Trump. I think he was a dangerous megalomaniac and he proved it when he riled up a bunch of time bombs and then lit them on Jan 6th to try and stay in power illegally. I don't support this administration and I never have. I didn't vote Biden in the last election and I won't in 2024. I'm only happy the last guy has been replaced.
  17. This answers the question of how people like Tommy Tuberville get elected to Senate.
  18. What did Trump do when Putin helped fix an election in Belarus so that Lukaschenko could remain in power? Why did Trump release 5000 taliban members who then opted to take Afghanistan back to where it was in 2001? Why did Trump abandon our military installations in Syria only for Russia to move in and capture them? When Ukraine needed defense funds why did Trump decide it was more important that they try and find dirt on his political opponent's son? Trump derided NATO at every opportunity, wanted to disband it, and pulled the US out of the Open Skies Treaty which Ukraine at the time feared it would give Russia more cover if they were setting up for an attack. I won't even get into all of Trump and Manafort's shady business dealings with the Russians: you'd be here all day plugging your ears and not reading any of it. But sure, Biden's fault. 🤪
  19. wow this guy is a Senator https://twitter.com/PoliticsInsider/status/1496956273358786567?s=20&t=X_8SDsbqOl54akeE-v2y-g
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