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Coffee and TV

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Everything posted by Coffee and TV

  1. Is this a suggestion that you're more offended at the graffiti than what she advocates? I'm not for anything that gives more work for the guy who has to remove it. There's certainly other ways of showing the nazi cunt how unwelcomed she is. And like someone mentioned previously, you should probably go with the theory that she did it to herself.
  2. History has proven this is not specific to any ism, and fascism actually endorses it. That's the difference.
  3. CFL would be infinitely better if they just did the 4 down rule. Most of the other differences in rules are unique or have their place, but 2 downs and a punt is just too boring. Watched only a tiny bit of the USFL but I don't really understand why they brought it back with the same cities and mascots like nothing has changed in 35 years.
  4. Communism is by its own definition stateless. Exactly what I said: protection from the government, but not protection from others.
  5. Funny you equate the two, but that's a whole different conversation. Freedom of speech only applies to the government, the poster I replied to was whining that students aren't tolerating her intolerance.
  6. Yes, that's what that whole sub reddit is: showing people who outwardly thought they knew better than everyone else and ultimately ending up in the ICU.
  7. Almost? https://www.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/top/?t=year
  8. Yes, stay home people who are required to take the bus or subway into work to keep a roof over their head.
  9. You know I put you on my ignore list but every once in a while check the little option for view this post. The reason I do this is because I know that practically any post I make in this forum will be quoted by yourself with some sort of nonsense patronization of whatever I'm saying, despite the fact that I've put you on ignore. Low and behold, I'm pretty much right every time when it comes to your obsession with me. The condescending attitude that you claim to hate so much is still glaringly obvious in every one of your posts directed at me, and it's obvious that you keep attempting to lure me out of ignoring you and your attempts to get a rise out from me. I mention how the first two replies don't seem to get why "voluntary" is not really an option when it comes to respiratory disease prevention on an airplane, and you find some stupid meme to strawman me rather than countering with any sort of argument. In the middle of my fiance being sick with a potentially deadly virus (yes, quite a few people our age have actually died of this) you laughed it up with a remark about how useless the vaccine must have been because she was sick. BTW, she had what amounted to a flu for about 5 days, and even though I was around her the entire time, I never got any symptoms (thanks Moderna!). Meanwhile you condescendingly avoided any information that your treatment was useless and potentially dangerous, nevermind the fact that you're in a much higher risk group than I would be. So every time you think you can have a little jab at me I will bring up the fact that you condescendingly think you're the world's biggest f-cking expert, rather than listening to the people who might have a little more of an understanding about how treatment and prevention work, you know virologists and immunologists and other various doctors with experience and education. If you have such a big problem with my attitude and my posts, I'd suggest you do the same as me and just put me on your ignore list, because even while I try to actively avoid you, you clutch your pearls and try to make me out to be the asshole. Just own it already and stop pretending to be so offended.
  10. Where did Lifer's post go? Is someone running?
  11. My beagle is running low on her ivermectin, got any leftovers?
  12. It's a bullshit attempt at a gotcha. Good day.
  13. Says anyone who understands basic science, which I guess eliminates you. Sorry my analogy was over your head. And it ain't the media saying she's unqualified, it's the American Bar Association. https://www.news10.com/news/coronavirus/judge-who-struck-down-cdc-mask-mandate-was-deemed-not-qualified-by-american-bar-association/ And I’m sure shining a light on a terrible decision by an unqualified judge is totally gonna ruin her life, how will she ever recover? Keeping simping though.
  14. Only for people who ask questions this dumb.
  15. Something this judge hasn't the foggiest idea of. So this logic is akin to saying you shouldn't wear condoms because they don't kill the sperm. Or saying that you shouldn't use latex gloves to handle raw meat because they don't kill the germs. Love to have a doofus president nominate a 35 year old to a lifetime appointment whose only trial experience was as an intern. I guess that's what qualifies as middle of the road these days.
  16. Over 2 years into this and the first two posts still don't understand their purpose and why they were mandatory. 😆
  17. What's the saying? Maybe if everyone you meet is an asshole you're the one that's actually the asshole? A little self-reflection could probably do this woman a world of good.
  18. Okay, when I'm at the My Morning Jacket concert in a few weeks I'll think about what it might cost for an uber back to Denton and then chuckle and have myself another beer.
  19. I mean, I love being 10 minutes away from practically anything, but maybe that's just me.
  20. Let me just light another match here and say men's soccer over both. Kidding though, a lot of colleges actually did away with it during Covid.
  21. A lot of those single family homes are being knocked down for denser development though. Grandma and grandpa might leave the house to live in a senior care facility, but the lot is more valuable and 3-4 townhomes get built where their ranch home stood. 27k isn't a crazy number either way when you're talking about a county with 2.5+ million, but it is a little surprising when you see all the new construction happening the last decade.
  22. Wooooooowww. Probably all these damn investors cornering the housing market and just letting homes sit empty. There's a few down the street from me that could easily go for 700k and higher, but nobody's home.
  23. I could never get my foot in the door when I graduated with a bachelors. Hands you shake I guess...
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