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Coffee and TV

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Everything posted by Coffee and TV

  1. "They're not here to hurt me"...(just kill the vice president) https://news.yahoo.com/not-hurt-trump-urged-secret-180549776.html
  2. Totally more scary than creating anti-abortion laws that make a 10 year old rape victim give birth. https://www.cincinnati.com/story/news/2022/07/01/ohio-girl-10-among-patients-going-indiana-abortion/7788415001/
  3. So scary. Not nearly as scary as the mensa candidates running for governor in Arizona though.
  4. "Among the ten best in North Texas"....aren't there about 10 even when you throw in the private universities?
  5. Failing to see how Stanford would be in the not so good category, they won the Director's Cup like 25 years in a row. I know football is king but they're in a much better position than Oregon State.
  6. Wow this sucks. I hate college sports now.
  7. Nothings lower than the Portland State game.
  8. You shall not lock this thread under the order of Brazil's super Jesus
  9. It's been pretty stagnant in terms of territory for a while. Ukraine did launch an offensive to retake Snake Island though. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2022/06/21/russia-ukraine-war-latest-news-putin-odesa-nato/
  10. Nobody who thinks for themselves wants to hear anything candeath owens has to say.
  11. That's definitely what we needed here, another national review op-ed about muh gas prices. It's funny that any time people complain about rent, or groceries, or just getting by, the answer from conservatives is always to make adjustments to their lives and work their way out of their own problems. So here's a thought: don't like gas prices? Move closer to your job. You can't? Find a job that will let you work from home. Get rid of your 18mpg Suburban or F150 and stop living with an 80 mile round trip commute every day. Stop living in god awful exurbs where every neighborhood is designed for a car and not walking. Go for a nice walk to Tom Thumb instead of spending $100 to fill up that oversized vehicle. Get a bike. $5 fuel prices are future, no new refineries have been built since the 70's, and we're not going to build any new ones under any administration because we're boiling the earth into being unlivable. MEANWHILE this is what 40% of your city tax dollars go.
  12. *shrug* Gets him closer to death, hopefully. Vladimir Putin has taken 200,000 of Ukraine's children, claims Zelensky
  13. Putin got the cancer Ukrainian intelligence reported this a few weeks ago, now U.S. intelligence is.
  14. I hate to use a Mussolini analogy, but the chicken's feathers are slowly being plucked in Russia. And this is assuming that Putin is in good enough health to see this thing through, because there's evidence he's possibly not. https://www.forbes.com/sites/kenrapoza/2022/03/05/russians-fleeing-as-nation-faces-economic-collapse/?sh=63321a370897
  15. Speaking of balls, this is your sock puppet account.
  16. The guy that was obsessed with my T levels in a thread you participated in, you think he's just assuming with that post? *shitty Biden impression* come on man
  17. You called me an a-hole, I responded nicely, and now you're being misogynistic for no reason. Get some therapy friend!
  18. I didn't take physics in high school & then did 2 geology classes in college, but I remember my 9th grade science teacher making the argument that there wasn't any ET life that could come in contact with us because mathematically they were too far. But yeah, certainly something or someone is out there.
  19. The planet. I was always a big skeptic until I saw the Marfa lights, but there's some Interstellar shit going on out there.
  20. Here's a video of a baby sloth crying for its mom. Have a nice day!
  21. They're probably trying to tell us to leave. Well not entirely. It was just interesting how you made it a Democratic thing as if both parties aren't guilty of never meeting a war they didn't love. But to be honest $40bil ain't really a ton of money in the grand scheme of things. We're spending literally 20x's that every year on our own military and we haven't really needed to defend ourselves in the last 70 years. The needless Iraq War was in the trillions, so I don't really find that amount of money to be very offensive considering the threat that Ukrainians are facing. Sending money and politicians to Ukraine sends a message to Russia that the bullying only goes so far. We're signed on to NATO for good reasons, even if they don't involve the old cold war politics of yesteryear. I'm in absolute agreement here but I don't think that negates the U.S's position that we need to take with Ukraine. Of course. At heart I'm very much a pacifist but I think what we're doing against Russia in this whole campaign is working and will continue to work.
  22. Most people that I meet find me to be chill and quite hospitable, thanks.
  23. I made no mention of Trump in that post, simply pointing out an inconsistency. Typical wet fart of a reply because your brain only deals in generalities and 1970's cold war tropes.
  24. That's wild how there's literally no military budget big enough for Republicans but as soon as genocide is happening with an ally we're suddenly broke.
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