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Coffee and TV

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Everything posted by Coffee and TV

  1. I've said it once and I'll say it a thousand times again, priceline priceline priceline priceline priceline. The last time I stayed in new orleans for the 04 bowl I got the Hilton Riverfront (4 star) for $50.
  2. Amazing how upset some of you get over a loudmouthed sports talk personality. Her job is to upset people because it invites more listeners to tune in to the drama. Use your time more productively, like contributing to your college's alumni monthly or quarterly or whichever.
  3. I like how political threads always get closed yet derogatory comments about a senator are allowed to remain open.... That being said I don't like Hillary, so I don't want to give the impression I'm taking up for her.
  4. The sky is blue. Richard Simmons is a homosexual. Days of Thunder was a terrible movie. Since we're in the business of creating threads about the obvious I figured I'd help the cause.
  5. Well, it shouldn't be given to Steve Nash again. http://www.theonion.com/content/node/48407
  6. British Columbia is awesome. That's all I got.
  7. You have the right to say whatever you want in this country, and the price you pay for babbling ignorance & hate is criticism. I'm sure you wouldn't think its a double standard if Dirk came out and said he hated blacks.
  8. Yeah I can so see this working. Drunk guy: "Hey I just took a piss and the urinal was talking to me man". "Seriously brah".
  9. temperature + relative humidity = heat index. Its a difficult forumla, but I believe there are charts. Besides, if you have to ask, its probably too hot to be out anyways. Besides, this is a great law because its targeted at kids 13 & younger, it doesn't apply to "toughening up" high school players. Although coaches still need to be aware of the danger it can pose.
  10. I'm not Todd Dodge, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.
  11. IIRC = If I remember correctly
  12. I think it would be a positive effect on the gay community, but I don't see how they'd earn more status or money with the average or casual NBA fan...
  13. Good for them. They were speaking their minds when it was an unpopular thing to do, and temporarily paid the price for it.
  14. Grey's Anatomy? Alright, hand over your man cards.
  15. I think Jonas Buckles was IIRC.
  16. You'll be competing with Pizza Hut Park in Frisco, which has shown to be a favorable place for big events targeting those that live in the Northern parts of the Metroplex.
  17. There's more red counties in California than blue. But don't let the facts get in the way of anything.
  18. No. Since Houston Dynamo fans started using the flag, it is now tainted.
  19. Apprently someone who couldn't find their manhood tattled on the coach.
  20. I think a parking garage or two would certainly help as well. And maybe by 2012/2015 DART will come all the way to Denton which should help ease some of the parking tensions brought on by out-of-town commuters. Yeah, hopefully it turns out nice, because its a pain to go around.
  21. You couldn't be more on target. And its funny to see all the "drive the hippies out" blatter. People this is Denton we're talking about, god forbid you have to walk down the streets of NYC or San Fran or Seattle, you old farts would probably have a heart attack.
  22. That's about all Arkansas has to offer. (har har har)
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