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Coffee and TV

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Everything posted by Coffee and TV

  1. LOL You seen the convention coverage this past week? The main stream media has been absolute garbage. Brian Williams just let Rudy 9/11 spout off whatever he wanted without any kind of rebuttle. The spin bandits (on both sides) have been the majority of the Democratic Convention coverage, so if they're a mouthpiece of the left they're doing a terrible job.
  2. Sickening. This totally crosses the line from what happens in war and what happens in normal civilization. If the detainees are released because of lack of evidence, then that alone presumes their innocence. You can't simply use them as scapegoats for some revenge plot. Absolutely disgusting. I hope this Hartley character is put on trial for murder.
  3. Meh. I think the headline might be a little misleading. Sounds to me its more like sore losers and politics involved. I remember when I was in 4th grade topping out with a 40mph fastball. Of course that was the height of my athletic career, but nontheless, its not that unusual to be throwing that hard at that age.
  4. Official says plot wasn't very credible. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080826/ap_on_...t_investigation Have you guys seen Invesco Field? Good luck having any sort of vantage point from 750 yards away? What are you gonna do, sneak it in? Yeah, that'll work really well...
  5. Funny how that works. I say he has economic centrist advisors, you bring up a foriegn policy advisor.
  6. You don't think it, but Denver apparently has a few of these nuts. Anyone ever seen the movie "Talk Radio"? It was based on a true story of how some neo-nazi group killed a liberal Denver talk radio host named Alan Berg. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alan_Berg
  7. For all of this horseshit about Obama being socialist I'm very curious why he's got mostly centrist economic policy advisors. Oh well, guess we can't include facts in our arguments.
  8. What are you, a nitwit? If you're going to support an American microbrew then drink Shiner or Sam Adams.
  9. Offtopic, but I went to MLS Cup (Soccer) in November last year in DC. At the bar where the New England fans were partying the 3rd floor was nothing but Clemson alumns watching a game. I mean 50-60 people all on the top floor covered in orange doing cheers and chants.
  10. I hope you haven't graduated yet, because you still have a lot to learn. Not only does Obama not have any association with him, his name isn't even mentioned in the article. CBL has already made you look foolish with your right-wing talking point rhetoric that you probably pulled off of a chain letter in your inbox, so now you desperately try to link him with a mayor. Newsflash: George W Bush is not responsible for Larry Craig, Mark Foley, or Tom Delay's behavior either.
  11. Show me where I said any such thing... A huge factor in prices at home, yes. You think they don't? You think if we were all in Priuses and lived within 10 miles of our work gas would be $3.50 right now?
  12. What an egotistical a-hole. I'm off to buy an Aaron Rogers jersey.
  13. Just a few weeks ago there was a story about how Americans are driving a billion less miles at this time than they normally would. The more gas prices drop, the more consumers will revert back to their old driving habits and demand more gas. So I guess New Years isn't a great estimate, but certainly by next Spring when oil companies move back to their summer blends and refining capacity is overwhelmed prices will shoot back up. There will not be, however any difference in the price of gas this time next year because of whoever is elected in November. If you believe that then you're only kidding yourself, unless you're talking about August of 2012.
  14. Get it while it lasts. It'll be $4 again by New Years.
  15. Damn anti-American Veterans. They're everywhere! Meanwhile, back in realityland... This is why there's no vote on offshore drilling. http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/08/05/energy.debate/?iref=
  16. I guess its true: reality has a liberal bias.
  17. How out of touch is Barack Obama? He's so out of touch that he suggested that if all Americans inflated their tires properly and took their cars for regular tune-ups, they could save as much oil as new offshore drilling would produce. Gleeful Republicans have made this their daily talking point; Rush Limbaugh is having a field day; and the Republican National Committee is sending tire gauges labeled "Barack Obama's Energy Plan" to Washington reporters. But who's really out of touch? The Bush Administration estimates that expanded offshore drilling could increase oil production by 200,000 bbl. per day by 2030. We use about 20 million bbl. per day, so that would meet about 1% of our demand two decades from now. Meanwhile, efficiency experts say that keeping tires inflated can improve gas mileage 3%, and regular maintenance can add another 4%. Many drivers already follow their advice, but if everyone did, we could immediately reduce demand several percentage points. In other words: Obama is right. http://www.time.com/time/politics/article/...00.html?cnn=yes
  18. Sorry, thought it was obvious to everyone and their dog that these two storms are in no way alike. I was just making the comparison about the similar attitudes towards each of them.
  19. That's what people in New Orleans thought about Katrina.
  20. Yet its ok for your party to politically grandstand during an election year, right?
  21. I've got some beachfront property in Arizona if you're interested.
  22. Stealth Socialism? Awesome. Can you help me decipher Obama's secret socialism code. I'm far too busy trying to decode his secret Muslim language.
  23. This almost assures that this will be +1 to the Dems in the Senate. Anchorage Mayor Mark Begich is the presumptive Democratic nominee, and he's already leading in a lot of polls over Stevens. Stevens will be the nominee unless he drops out BEFORE the primary. After the primary Republicans cannot change the nominee if he were to resign. Governor Palin could appoint another Republican to fill the void and then hope for them to retain the seat in November, but there's been some corruption issues amongst the top-tier Republicans in the state. The Lt Governor is Republican, but he is running for the House seat. So all-in-all, its a goofy situation going on in Alaskan politics right now.
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