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Coffee and TV

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Everything posted by Coffee and TV

  1. Now show me that stat as a percentage and not a base number. Oh nevermind, that would kill your argument. You're right! Stupid poor people!
  2. I give you: Alan Keyes. No? I give you: Al Sharpton. No? I give you: Jesse Jackson. No? Ah F-ck it, you're hopeless.
  3. Maybe you can use your new tax cut for that purchase. BTW, you're nothing like those firemen in the Nextel commercials. If my kitty gets stuck in a tree I hope it poops on you. Good day.
  4. No matter who wins we will also have a left-handed president. Only our 6th I believe. No matter who wins we will have a vice-president from a state with 3 electoral votes. No matter who wins they will be the first president from their respective home state (counting Obama's as Hawaii & not IL).
  5. Take off your dress and end your little tea party. Quit being so damn sensitive.
  6. That darn liberal George Will thinks it'll be more like 389 for Obama. And I'm the one doing wishful thinking? The only way Obama wins by less than 10 EV's is with a huge Bradley Effect. Something that has since been proven as either non-existant, or overhyped.
  7. Wait, what? Is that a serious post? Just for the record, I didn't turn you in or anything. I probably deserved my temp ban and didn't cry about it to the admins.
  8. http://www.kansascity.com/news/nation/story/838366.html More of an editorial, but here's a Businessweek writer: http://www.businessweek.com/investing/insi...ie_mae_and.html http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/20...9/usa.mortgages http://www.nytimes.com/2008/07/14/opinion/...tml?ref=opinion Opinion Piece yes, but Paul Krugman just recently won a Nobel in Economics. I know that means nothing to you since that devil man Al Gore won one too. Last week 60 minutes had a piece on Credit Default Swaps & their effect on the subprime mess. For 100 years this practice was outlawed until the lame duck Congress unanimously passed it in 2000. I can't find a transcript or full video, but here's a short segment about it. http://60minutes.yahoo.com/segment/197/credit_default_swaps
  9. Bias Schmias, he spelled out his analysis and methodology. Prove him wrong.
  10. Too bad Fannie Mae had little to nothing to do with the mortgage crisis, but keep believing your little Republican talking points though.
  11. Playmaker is right on just about every point.
  12. You think Obama's plan will have high taxes? You'd probably drown in a bottle of sleeping pills if you saw what the richest had to pay under Eisenhower.
  13. You're not forced. Move if you don't like it. Right FF Rick? Right. I make over 250k a year. Seriously, you people don't even understand the garbage you repeat.
  14. You guys are hysterical. Can I crash at your place when you're in your underground bunkers for the next 8 years?
  15. 36%. And when Obama lets the Bush tax cuts expire they'll go back to 39%. Socialism!
  16. Where was this liberal media when all the major networks and newspapers were beating the drums to go to war with Iraq? Oh that's right, its a farce.
  17. The truth is that the rich will have lower tax rates than they did under that Commie Ronald Reagan. And I don't need to get along with anyone who's got their head shoved so far up their ass with rhetorical bullshit they can't see the light of day. BTW I originally quoted MeanGreendub, you jackass.
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