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Coffee and TV

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Everything posted by Coffee and TV

  1. Heartbroken, but overall it was a great trip. Considering it was Toronto on a one week warning we brought plenty of supporters and the front offices of FCD brought tons too. Toronto fans were all pretty nice, Colorado fans were pretty stand-up guys after the win. Gotta say, I didn't see many super hot chicks in Toronto (like 10's), but there were an INSANE amount of 7's and 8's. Very very high quantities of cute girls in that city.
  2. My watching party will be at BMO Field in Toronto! Been on road trips, but this has to be the most epic of all. Super psyched!
  3. http://www.fieldandstream.com/photos/gallery/hunting/2010/11/amateur-photographer-captures-grizzly-bear-chasing-bison-down-highway Hard to say who won since they ventured into the forest, but I'm betting on the grizzly.
  4. No joke. Its not the grades you make, but the hands you shake. Graduated in December of 07 and have yet to work in my field. Have steady employment, but it pays the bills and nothing else. Be nice to put a dent into these student loans.
  5. Was really really tempted to go to LA for the game, but it just wouldn't be fiscally responsible. Need to keep credit card low to pay it off with Xmas money. If you do decide to go, oddly enough you can get there for about half the price by driving to Houston and taking continental. $220 > $420 in this particular scenario.
  6. Really? We must have met some time in the past, but I don't recognize your profile pic.
  7. Every year this comes up as one of the top fan complaints, and every year nothing changes. Always head up to the top of the concourse at the 45th minute & watch until the whistle. That's the only way you'll get back to your seat in time for the 2nd half.
  8. But anyways, we're off topic. According to Nate Silver, whose site was like my bible in the months leading up to the 2008 election, he's predicting 52 or 51 seats for the Dems, about 55-60 in the House. I'm thinking Dems lose: North Dakota Arkansas Indiana Wisconsin Illinois and 2 of the following (if not all 3, but I still like Ken Buck's chances) Colorado Nevada Pennsylvania
  9. 1) He didn't nationalize health care. Not even Canada has nationalized health care. What was passed last year was in no way close to socialize medicine. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Health_care_in_Canada#Government_involvement 2) He didn't nationalize banks. TARP was a bi-partisan creation of the Congress & the Bush administration in 2008, when Obama was in the Senate & out campaigning. Not only did it save us from a 2nd great depression, it will in the end cost taxpayers about $50 billion of the original $700 billion spent. http://www.marketwatch.com/story/treasury-total-cost-of-tarp-will-be-50-billion-2010-10-05-164330 3) AIG was somewhat "nationalized". Its losses were so great because of defaults that it couldn't really afford to go under, not without another Lehman brothers type of hit anyways. The government is also planning shortly the selling of much of its stock that it bought from AIG. Total cost will be close to what TARP did. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/10/05/business/05sorkin.html 4)The auto companies also needed salvaging. To let them go under would probably have put about a million more on the unemployment payrolls overnight. (SUPER GOVERNMENT SPENDING OH NOES) GM (and I'm unsure about Chrysler) has already paid back their government loans in full. The stock was temporarily owned by the US government, and the treasury department set up rules for them to restructure. This was in no way a 'nationalization'. http://www.thecarconnection.com/marty-blog/1044391_bailout-successes-gm-pays-off-loans-chrysler-loses-less 5)I won't get into a philosophical battle about the definition of a very vast and complex economic system. All I will say is that any credible definition you can find of socialism will in no way resemble this current administration. Its not a socialism method for the government to spend during a recession. Its a Keynesian argument, and one that has had mixed results throughout modern economic history. It was done greatly throughout the Great Depression. What the stimulus did was not to stimulate anything, it was a desperate measure to stop the bleeding. There are even some (CAPITALIST) economists who would argue that one of the reasons it didn't stimulate was because it didn't go far enough ($875? billion in a $13 trillion economy). I would suggest you're not being objective enough. Its ok, we all have bias. Maybe I'd be just as pissed at McCain if he were president today.
  10. Once you use the S word when describing Obama, anything rational you might say gets thrown out the window. I guess the other 40% are all those loudmouth teabaggers who would revolt if anyone took away their medicare?
  11. 80% of what's passed in congress is in one way or another introduced via the President's agenda. If you want to get into semantics, fine: if the tax cuts were so damn great congress wouldn't have put a 10 year limit on them, they'd be permanent. I think when the top income bracket was getting taxed in the Eisenhower years they did just fine. And yeah, I don't cry a single tear for someone who can only make 50 million a year instead of 100. Wah. The economy is based on 2/3's consumer spending. When we have a recession like we have for the last 2 years then where the hell do you get revenue from with a tax burden like that? I'm sure I could link you a study that shows how I'm right, but you'd probably just ignore it anyways. You're right, half of all bankruptcies are a result of family illnesses. The market is working great!
  12. If the tax cuts are so damn special the Bush administration wouldn't have them expire in 2011. They would have made the permanent. And lower taxes for the rich have only gotten us a 9.5% unemployment rate, a housing bubble, and major deficits. Corporate taxes are unnecessary as the management and workers bare the brunt of them more than the CEOs. End the corporate taxes & raise taxes on the top 10%. The health care reform bill was average at best. To pass it without public option is irresponsible, to repeal it would be on the verge of stupidity. You think defense spending doesn't keep a shit ton of people working? I'm all for cutting spending on defense, maybe by half. But it has to be done slowly and responsibly. Republicans take maybe 55-60 house seats, 6 Senate seats at best. Any dream of a Republican Senate or a deadlock is exactly that - a dream. The biggest crime of this election will be that people like Sharon Angle could be elected.
  13. 4pm start to try and combat going up against the Rangers. It'll still be an empty stadium because so much of their sales is reliant upon being at the end of a day when so many parents have youth soccer. I have to miss my daughter's game if I want to make this saturday's match. I'm damned if I do, damned if I don't.
  14. http://espn.go.com/espn3/index You shouldn't be blacked out unless you're in the southeast where you'll get it on TV.
  15. Seriously? Ummm...better that you be linked to a helpful site rather than me explain it on a more 'family friendly' board. http://www.urbandictionary.com
  16. Pac 10 teams, minus USC and Washington State. Not sure exactly why, either. I'm a big fan of the places on the west coast I've traveled to, and San Diego is like my 2nd home. But yeah, I'll root for either Oregon school, UCLA/Cal, Zonas, UW. Maybe its just the style of play that I'm attracted to. I'll never root for OU or SEC teams though.
  17. Government didn't "regulate" any bank to lend money to anyone. And lack of regulation is what lead to the shadow banking system of default swaps. Wall Street was making money whether the loan failed or not. Poor people are easy scapegoats though, I guess.
  18. I dunno who these jokesters are, but I demand royalties.
  19. Not that he could in this market anyways!
  20. Private banks did an awesome job putting us into a recession. See what I did there?
  21. If you plan on attending an away match get your travel plans in order. We're going to be up against Salt Lake. Its just a matter of whether its on halloween weekend or the week after.
  22. We got Kansas State. Yeah, I suppose they're not on quite the same level, but they could be a bowling Big 12 team.
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