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Coffee and TV

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Everything posted by Coffee and TV

  1. Fair enough. Its a theory I don't subscribe to, but at least you're willing to come out and explain some reasoning behind it rather than trying to get a political punch at people who are "doves".
  2. With my work I had no choice but to come in. Because my commute is far I actually slept on my boss' couch last night instead of getting up an hour earlier this morning. Twas ok though, we played Kinect sports.
  3. That still doesn't answer either one of my questions.
  4. No. What does being a "dove" have anything to do with $6.00 gas? And how do you figure gas suddenly being $6 as a result?
  5. Way to miss the point man. Nobody's asking you to do your dissertation from wikipedia, but its a good place to answer stupid questions.
  6. Been to Cali 4 times in my short life. Never been north of Orange County though. Taking I-8 into San Diego is nuts: you go from below sea level to 4000+ feet in a matter of 5 miles, its definitely the hardest highway driving I've ever had to do. Would live there if wife would allow, and cost of getting a house is nuts although not as bad as it was.
  7. The climate change theories generally involve ice core and sea bed samples from as far back as 600,000 years. Seriously dude, a quick check on wikipedia would be something of a start.
  8. I didn't say that at all, but if it helps you sleep better at night more power to ya. Sadly many on these boards act as if nothing is going on, and its all political hogwash. As if that many climate scientists could magically be bought or confused about their lifelong professions. If a proven engineer told you tomorrow that a bridge by your home was on the verge of collapse I could guarantee you and anyone else would find a new way home. It seems that climate scientists and NFL coaches are the only professions where its ok to 2nd guess them. C'mon dude, this is exactly what I'm freaking talking about. You want to argue that climate change isn't man-made, knock yourself the heck out. But don't come around making silly assumptions like this.
  9. That show is gold, hope they keep it on. Since its IFC I assume they don't need big ratings to.
  10. I'm not going to get involved in another ridiculous debate about this, but this kind of idiocy has to be called out. Just because its the cold(er) in Texas/Florida/Maine/where ever the hell you're talking about, it doesn't contradict the theory of global climate change. While the overall temperature of the earth might be rising (again, I'm not going to debate whether it is or not), it doesn't automatically mean that everywhere on earth at all times will be x-amount warmer. It means that the overall warmer temperature of the atmosphere causes monumental changes in the climate. These changes can mean anything - higher precipitation in Australia accompanied by floods, polar-like temperatures in the northeast, fires cause by drought in Russia, record snowfall in Texas. If you want to disagree with the theory, find evidence that is contradictory, come up with your own conclusions, knock yourself out. It doesn't make you stupid or ignorant or have some sort of agenda just because you disagree with what I do. But at least understand what you're disagreeing with before making incredibly ignorant statements like this. Weather is not = climate.
  11. Hasn't this bullshit story been debunked like 2 years ago? Its John Gibson for christ sake, the same guy who proclaimed that we needed more white babies.
  12. I didn't realize the state just threw wads of cash at schools and they blew it until Kram enlightened me. I seem to remember Texas ranking absolute dead last per capita in spending.
  13. woot Cedar Hill woot.
  14. It would be worst case, but it wouldn't be completely awful. While the SBC ain't exactly blowing people away, anything that keeps us from going WAC or Independent is lateral.
  15. I'm feeling optimistic that we'll take that up 40 notches this year.
  16. Don't think its being a commuter school that hurts TSU's attendance numbers, its simply the fact that most of football season still falls on "floatin down the river" season.
  17. Never understood this "tradition". When I lived in Maple Hall my freshman year the tower was lit up green every night of the year...?
  18. You're the first person I've ever known/heard of that had some type of cable, but not ESPN. I almost thought it was mandatory if you subscribed to anything not OTA.
  19. I'm perplexed as well...who doesn't have cable/satellite TV in the year 2011?
  20. The one that came from the vice presidential nominee.
  21. I'm going to call Ashley and ask if male cheerleaders have a tough time shedding their stereotype that they're all gay. No...I'm not. I wonder if they get annoyed at people always assuming. Think they're doing any of their female counterparts? I would.... What? Shit. I'm typing this all out, aren't I? Dammit. Thought this was all just rhetorically in my own mind, but now its out in the open for everyone to read. All out in the whole interwebz world! Stars coverage is over, guess I'll flip it over to ESPN and watch that fight hunger bowl. I wonder why we need to fight hunger...can't we just like cure it or something? I mean, is it really putting up much of a fight, or is it more or less fighting the causes of hunger, like distribution and disease and instability in the places where hunger exists...
  22. MLK really like marching too. I wonder why he never had a band backing him up?
  23. Yeah I remember when Democrats assassinated Florida back in 2003.
  24. After realizing the events that I posted previously, I thought I might do the opposite. In fact, I'm thinking about shacking up in a guest bedroom of Dominic Kinnear, or maybe Robertson Stadium locker room for a few months.
  25. I must carry some sort of Scott the Engineer* black cloud that follows me. I went to NYC in April: a failed bomb goes off in Times Square. I went to San Diego in July: their city was under water for a week. On that same trip I stayed in Tucson for a night: now this. If shit goes down in Toronto in the next few months then I'll start freaking the eff out. *That's a guy from The Howard Stern Show, for those of you who didn't get that reference.
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