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Coffee and TV

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Everything posted by Coffee and TV

  1. You're right, they were so impressed by the daily car bombings and sectarian violence that they thought, "hey! we gotta get summa dat!".
  2. Government really shouldn't be in the business of keeping safe roads and highways. The free market can take care of it.
  3. So funny to see you package people's complex thoughts and opinions into simple little amusing tidbits so you can make cute little comments.
  4. Rasmussen would find a way to make a poll that says 99% of kids hate ice cream. I'm not in denial that a lot of people don't like the health care law, in fact I've seen plenty of polls that swing one way or the other: 52% against, 54% for, 41% for/25% unsure, ect. ect. I just wouldn't trust any poll that Rasmussen puts out. They've been consistently wrong time and time again.
  5. Agreed on Bodacious in general, don't think I've ever had the Mt Pleasant location. Its what my grandmother always gets when we come visit in Longview.
  6. Most recent as in long after Saddam was hanging from a noose. How about in the lead up or at the peak of the war?
  7. If we have a supposed "liberal media", 1/5th of America wouldn't think that Obama is a Muslim. If we have a liberal media then 50% of Americans (last I checked) wouldn't think that Saddam was involved in the 9/11 attacks.
  8. No, half this board wouldn't understand the irony.
  9. Soccer in 11 days, baseball in 24. Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock.
  10. FAU is already in with their regular season championship. Doubtful we would have any chance.
  11. Next year will be epic.
  12. Holy sh!t. That did not just happen.
  13. Anyone with DIrecTV? I have Time Warner internet but not cable, so they won't allow you to get ESPN3 unless you have their cable.
  14. Where did you get yours and what kind of quality is it? I haven't ponyed up for anything I've seen online yet. You can grab an American or Texas flag off the interwebs for $5, but its 5 times that for a UNT one. WHAT!?
  15. effing hell, thought i knew how to embed youtube but it varies so much from site to site. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TG4f9zR5yzY
  16. Read an article in the DaMN a few months ago about how DISD threw tons of dough into upgrading schools and building new ones precisely because the economy is down. You can get loads more bang for your buck if you're expanding during a recession instead of the opposite. I bet they're getting the geothermal system at half the price they will 5 years from now/before. And you're right, in the long run it'll save them loads of money.
  17. So stupid that they cancelled that show. Since when has anything on AMC ever really depended on high ratings?
  18. How much are ass prices going to be in the next few weeks?
  19. Oh no no no. That would be far more sinful than just cutting funding to nursing homes and schoolchildren. Come on man, let's use our heads here.
  20. I'm glad you got all of that from my once sentence of a post. While my blame does lie with conservatives (not the point), I was responding to the specific part of his post that basically said "tough titties" for teachers. Sorry I don't share the same response when it comes to cutting jobs to people who already have a very modest salary and probably close to the highest job security in any western society.
  21. Cool. That's what I'll say when my mom loses her teaching job. I guess she can always "pull herself up by her bootstraps" or whatever other bullshit conservative meme you wanna use.
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