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Coffee and TV

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Everything posted by Coffee and TV

  1. Neither did the Giants...just sayin. Pitching and defense can wins tons of games. Don't ever underestimate Billy Beane either.
  2. VCU were #101 last year. I'm not looking too down on the CBI or CIT after hearing this. With our young team next season, I'd take any postseason tournament we can get.
  3. The A's will come out on top of the West, but its a good start for the Rangers, especially against the AL favorites. Hopefully can get out to about 5 games or so this season.
  4. Yes Johnny, I'd like to purchase the movie rights if I may. What's that? There's a similar movie but with Jamaican guys who missed the Olympics in track? Sonuvabitch.
  5. I used an example where in a split second's time someone made a rational decision. My point is that it just as easily could have gone the other way in that split second.
  6. Here's a story about a near tragedy on top of an already horrific enough tragedy that was the Congresswoman Giffords shooting. Granted, the gentleman in this story didn't have adequate training, it brings up a good point about what can happen when more firearms are added to the mix. http://www.slate.com/id/2280794/
  7. Don't forget that if you're a little late showing up, you might not know which one is the "real" shooter.
  8. You live in Iraq? Because that was his point.
  9. You're right, they were so impressed by the daily car bombings and sectarian violence that they thought, "hey! we gotta get summa dat!".
  10. Government really shouldn't be in the business of keeping safe roads and highways. The free market can take care of it.
  11. So funny to see you package people's complex thoughts and opinions into simple little amusing tidbits so you can make cute little comments.
  12. Rasmussen would find a way to make a poll that says 99% of kids hate ice cream. I'm not in denial that a lot of people don't like the health care law, in fact I've seen plenty of polls that swing one way or the other: 52% against, 54% for, 41% for/25% unsure, ect. ect. I just wouldn't trust any poll that Rasmussen puts out. They've been consistently wrong time and time again.
  13. Agreed on Bodacious in general, don't think I've ever had the Mt Pleasant location. Its what my grandmother always gets when we come visit in Longview.
  14. Most recent as in long after Saddam was hanging from a noose. How about in the lead up or at the peak of the war?
  15. If we have a supposed "liberal media", 1/5th of America wouldn't think that Obama is a Muslim. If we have a liberal media then 50% of Americans (last I checked) wouldn't think that Saddam was involved in the 9/11 attacks.
  16. No, half this board wouldn't understand the irony.
  17. Soccer in 11 days, baseball in 24. Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock.
  18. FAU is already in with their regular season championship. Doubtful we would have any chance.
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