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Coffee and TV

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Everything posted by Coffee and TV

  1. Keep waiting dude. I could give a simple explanation and you'd bust out with an essay that rambles into something that patronizes my generation and how hard you worked and blah blah blah. I might be wrong about UNT Flyer, but I don't even bother with you dude.
  2. Shea's probably not going anywhere until the transfer window next summer. He'll shine in England in the Olympics and next year and that'll drive up the bidding war. He's under lock & key until 2014 with FCD anyways, so it's all about what those bean counters in Frisco feel is the right price for him.
  3. Well there's lots wrong with it, but there is nothing illegal about it. What's cute is that they tried to turn it into 'big bad government' making us do this, when it reality it was just a way to try and fleece people through greed.
  4. I'm well aware of what their stated reasoning is for charging the $5 fee. What I'm arguing is that while they lost such and such amount of $$ because of the Durbin amendment, they were more than making up for it by charging every debit card customer a $5 fee. I googled but couldn't lock down the exact numbers I remember hearing from teh newz.
  5. Bank of America would have made more money with the $5 debit fees than they ever did with the law that Dodd-Frank sought to cut down. It was a moneygrab, pure and simple. Stuff like the OWS movement and a massive amount of people moving their accounts to credit unions made them kill the idea too. A small victory for the consumers for once.
  6. Now my hands smell like hot wings.

  7. Didn't Starbucks put a lot of small businesses out of business in order to become the global power they are today? Or is that an unfair claim?
  8. Technically while we're the lowest rung of FBS football, the Sun Belt is the most stable conference of the the last half decade. I dunno, I don't think it would be that bad.
  9. Big Disclaimer: Granted it was 20 years ago But my first ever college football game was the Independence Bowl in 1990 between La Tech & Maryland. Don't know what the capacity was then (maybe 45k?), but that place was filled to the brim with La Tech fans.
  10. Where am I going for lunch today...
  11. To borrow a phrase from Dan Patrick this morning: "East of what? Hawaii?".
  12. Smithsonian? Would recommend the Brickseller in Dupont Circle but google says it closed. Wondering the area at night and see all the different embassies is cool though.
  13. Wanna go shoot some hoops?
  14. They've got San Diego too, which is bigger than all of those. But you're right, our biggest draw has to be the fact that we're the #4 media market nowadays, that's gotta be impossible to overlook.
  15. Not true. Again, not true. " Most know exactly what and who they're protesting. By making a blanket statement that they don't know what their agenda is. Again, I see no evidence to really back this up. Not true. Insanely doubtful. And I'm not an 'occupier', but I get what they're doing and what they're about. Clearly, you don't.
  16. Which is why you labeled the entire movement as "socialist" when you found some of them holding up some anti-capitalism signs. By that logic, its time to deem the entire tea party movement as racists.
  17. Well with this post its pretty clear you're a little too stuck to the right vs left narrative that has overtaken any substantive debate, so I guess I'll throw you in the category with UNT Flyer and just not bother. We're still on the same side dude, the richest of the rich are doing everything they can to drown out our voices with $$$. Maybe one day you'll see it to.
  18. And whether or not he tried to help Mary Jo out of the car without drowning himself. You're making your own little stereotypical assumptions there. I'm sure they both are. And 1% or not, my point stands.
  19. This has, and always will be conjecture. No, Ted Kennedy can go fluff himself. He killed universal health care in the late 70's and then later wind power off the coast of Nantucket. So no, he doesn't share my political beliefs. I just used President dumb dumb as the most obvious example of the lack of meritocracy in this country.
  20. I like the example of the guy who got his dad's friends to buy him a baseball team, have the taxpayers foot the bill for a new stadium, and then made 5x's his investment and became governor. That's a self-made man right there.
  21. I give it 3 years before one of those new schools bolts.
  22. Between 1980 and 2005, 80% of all new income created in the US has gone to the top 1%. Remember folks, its only called class warfare when we fight back.
  23. Last week I was pretty close, so I guess I'll try again. UNT 23 ASU 21
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