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Coffee and TV

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Everything posted by Coffee and TV

  1. BTW, if JFK's speech made Santorum 'sick', I wonder what he thinks of Jefferson's writing here... http://www.loc.gov/loc/lcib/9806/danpre.html
  2. Except that newsbusters link you posted in the gas prices thread a few days ago...
  3. I love this line of BS reasoning: "He has nutty beliefs, but he would never try to impose them on us as the leader of the free world! He couldn't possibly!" lol
  4. Santorum received a BS From Penn State, an MBA from the University of Pittsburgh, and a law degree from Penn State Dickinson school of Law. http://www.youtube.com/embed/NkjbJOSwq3A
  5. Mulatto is actually an outdated term to use. Some might consider you racist for even using it. I don't, I'm just pointing out the irony here.
  6. Watssuuuupppp??? Keepin it real in the chill.
  7. I predict that's the worst prediction since Y2K.
  8. And it was your generation that got us in this mess to begin with. But keep blaming Obama, that's been going so well for you politically.
  9. But its not. This story stinks. I looked on gasbuddy.com for the Orlando area. There is one. One station in Lake Buena Vista that is charging 5.89 for regular unleaded. It's not even on the Walt Disney World grounds. Its not as if it's the only station on a 100 mile stretch of the Everglades where they can gouge because they're the only game in town.There are at least 10 stations in the surrounding area, I'd say within a square mile radius, that are all charging the state average of 3.60-3.70. That story is straight up BS, and suckers like you eat it up for some sort of glimmer of hope that it'll make Obama lose in November.
  10. The ones that exist in reality You stated polls, I don't care what your anecdotal evidence of Obama losing traction is.
  11. Cute headline, but context matters.
  12. I'm confused, are you talking about Romney or Obama?
  13. He was correcting Rudy's misinformation. Something we non-conservatives have to do a lot of around here.
  14. http://www.rand.org/pubs/occasional_papers/2010/RAND_OP325.pdf
  15. Tomato = Tomahto. I'm not aware of what Silver Eagle is referring to.
  16. What I posted is not related to speculation? Currently the same amount of oil is on the world market as there was 4 weeks ago. Iran cut off supply to Britain and France, but not to the rest of the world. China, India, Russia, the US, the EU ect all relatively demand the same amount of oil. Nothing dramatic has changed: no tanker spills, no pipeline explosions, no one nation suddenly stopped or started using vehicles and airplanes. The main cause of oil prices escalating has to do with speculation that supply might be decreased and/or otherwise compromised due to geo-political instability in a region that supplies a whole bunch of it. I didn't say its greedy, I didn't say its illegal, I didn't say its wrong in any way, I just said that's what it is.
  17. Best estimates calculate that 65% of their money comes from marijuana. Will making it legal in the US end the cartels? No, but it might do some damage.
  18. But the Strait of Hormuz is where 20% of the world's supply travels.
  19. Since drug legalization has taken affect in Portugal, their abuse rates have actually lowered.
  20. This isn't really correct. Speculators right now are afraid of Iran closing the Strait of Hormuz, and general instability in the region. Yesterday the price of oil rose $1 per barrel just on the news alone that Iran wouldn't allow UN inspectors to see their facilities (gawd this sounds familiar). Some countries are buying up huge amount of oil in the event that any sort of conflict escalates with Iran in the near future, which also causes the price to rise. Hopefully after it all calms down, we'll be slightly overloaded with supply and gas could take a strong dip depending on when this all blows over. The Keystone pipeline decision has nothing to do with it, the first date of operation for that wouldn't have come anytime soon.
  21. I agree. I'm going to go burn their state flag because he vetoed the same-sex marriage bill.
  22. I had a big problem with the fact that we've been there for 11 years. Longer than Vietnam at this point. I understand the geo-political absurdities that came with invading Afghanistan, but why are we still babysitting them after all this time? Al-Qaeda has been dismantled for years now, the Taliban is willing to negotiate a peace process, and we're still paying for this war through borrowing.
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