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  1. Short of an extended summer it'll be great football weather. I think we're in a great conference considering our potential and our past, but Washington State is definitely a bigger brand than a UTSA or a South Florida. We should see Wyoming numbers for sure.
  2. Probably the answer to the question of where a lot of students were on a Sunday afternoon as well: i worked tons of Sundays in college.
  3. You've probably heard of them by their other common name: Quakers. It's an NAIA school down the street from them in Wichita. True story: Nixon was a Quaker.
  4. Every time I check the matchups on this app I'm always so tickled by the pace stat. 362nd makes us dead last in D1 doesnt it?
  5. In the DFW metroplex the Cowboys are the only exception to this rule.
  6. Surely some of these babies can't crawl.
  7. It's looking good a few minutes before tip off.
  8. I take a tiny exception when the biggest punching bag is weird kids when most of the support I see from the students are the weird kids these days, and i'm certain our greek population is higher than those not red blooded americans doing womens studies. So it says a lot about someone's mindset when they take the time to praise greeks for one of them showing up while insulting the weird kids who are there day in and day out. Regardless, I'd like students of every type at our games: the sportos, the motorheads, geeks, sluts, bloods, waistoids, dweebies, dickheads....I had music student friends who couldn't give a shit about UNT sports and greek friends whose only focus was booze and pussy. Also, I assure you that you're not on that list for any of your opinions concerning this topic, there are a myriad of other instances and reasons that earned you that place.
  9. "Help! I'm constantly an asshole to someone and they want me to douchebag off. I'm being censored!"
  10. Ignore list. Compare it to the people replying to me in this thread and you'll see why we need the block function here.
  11. since some in this thread clearly need a reminder
  12. Yeah I'm well aware of the stereotypes, but go ahead and scan or meet the student crowds at the basketball and football games and get back with me about the greek/weirdo ratio. I mean you don't even need to scan the crowds, just go talk to anyone who was a talon in the last 25 years and get back to me about the various frats and sororities they have crossover with. I mean if it was the greeks pulling in all the support we wouldn't be creating a thread about how surprised we are that literally a few of them from one specific frat showed up to one specific game.
  13. They're all back in their houses complaining about the blue hair kids who are actually at the games.
  14. That's funny cause i dyed my hair blue for a time while attending UNT football and basketball games.
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