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J-Mo Fan

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Everything posted by J-Mo Fan

  1. Does anyone know about pro-day on Monday? If so, could you please elaborate. Thanks J-Mo Fan
  3. For those of you that truly care (I know there are many), JaMario is doing just fine. He is all set up and is currently in training while finishing his degree. There are a vast number of teams that have interest in him. I know this because HE was sitting on MY COUCH a couple of weeks ago! If you know JaMario like I do, then you'll understand that he has never viewed himself worthy of being who he has become - he is the most humble person I have ever known. When you speak to him about his accomplishments and future, he truly gets embarrassed. The possibilities are there with or without post-season all-star games and I am certain that we all will be reading about him in the future. However, staying on track with his degree plan is priority number one right now.
  4. Emmit, I do not know you, but I know who you are. With that being said, you just brought tears to my eyes! When some guy gives you a monster hug and says "thank you" Saturday, don't shoot, it's just me! It is really hard to believe that this is going to be it for a lot of these guys. I have met quite a few of these players over the years via JaMario and I must say that they are really a great bunch of guys and deserve nothing but the best that life has to give! My only hope is that T.D. will show his respect and honor these men by allowing them to finish with the dignity of starting and finishing the game. He has said all year how he wants to do something special with/for the Seniors...Here is his chance to prove to these guys that he is genuine! It would be a tremendous gesture. All of you guys have been great over the years, and once again, thanks for taking care of JaMario...He WILL be graduating in May and that is what he is truly proud of!!! See ya'll Saturday
  5. That is kind of you to say as I feel the same way. I still remember exactly where I was and what I was doing when he broke the first one off! George and Hank's call was tremendous. On another note, if anyone has a video clip of his 77 yarder please speak up. Thanks to you all!
  6. Thanks FFR for the kind words. I'll convey your thoughts to him. It means a great deal that some of you faithful still are loyal and supportive of him. He has had to battle and overcome a lot of adversity over the past few years and regardless of what some posters might say, Super-J is a true warrior and competitor. In addition, TFLF hit the nail right on the head! FFR- We'll see ya against W.K., my boy is in the playoffs during Navy. Thanks for your kindness.
  7. Thank you so much for the kind words. We live in Longview and UNT was never the usual school to cheer for until JaMario signed. Eversince, we have got the GREENEST blood in East Texas! It has been a wonderful time watching Super-J grow and mature into a man; especially with the help and support all of you exes have given him. He is truly a special guy! On behalf of the whole Thomas clan and Longview, Spring Hill, we thank you!
  8. I hope this is a good omen. My 10 year old son just finished playing Louisiana Lafayette on his X-Box and the final was UNT-56, Ulala-21. Seeing how Super-J is my son's hero, obviously he got ALL of the touches ending with 433 yards on 29 carries with all of the touchdowns and 2 point conversions! Corso and Herbie were going nuts! Here's to a victory in the "real" world! GLORY TO THE GREEN!
  9. Just wanted to let the board know that in yesterday's and today's edition of Longview News Journal there were two very good articles in regards to Super-J and Keronna. I must apologize to all, but I'm not sharp enough to attach it here. Go to www.news-journal.com and scroll down to sports, then click on "more," and you can read about Henderson. Then click on "more local headlines" to read JaMario's artlicle. Naturally, I enjoyed them both. Once again, I apologize for the inconvenience and am willing to take the "heat!"
  10. I have been reading posts regarding Super J for quite a while now. That being said, it is important for me to say that we are all entitled to our own opinions and what has been said in the past is certainly respected. However, quite a few Mean Green supporters are now questioning J-Mo's ability and even turning their backs on him. Remember, it was not too long ago when this fine young man turned heads and brought true excitement back to N.T. Football (you know, can't wait for another handoff and when it happens, you are literally at the edge of your seat). The keyboards were burning up this forum board back then. Back when he did hit the scene, I posted a comment on what a fine young man J-Mo was, and advised the Mean Green Nation that if you knew him personally you would be that much more impressed with him. Over time, I believe that a lot of you have met him and understand what I say to be true. It is important for everyone to know that this young man has not waivered on his loyalty to U.N.T. Some folks, including coaches may have turned on him, but when the "BIG BOYS" came callling during the Spring and Summer of his Freshman year JaMario anchored down and replied to all "I'm loyal to the green!" The past two years have been very difficult for him because he knows the expectations and all he wants to do is please everyone-not himself. I have seen him grow and mature over these two and a half years at N.T. but it is very difficult for him to go out and everytime he turns around, somebody is asking him "what is wrong with you?" When you hear that enough times you start questioning your own ability as well. My friends, that is exactly what has happened! Super-J has always been the kind of back that gets better as the game goes on. He has to get a feel for it and when he does, he just gets stronger. You cannot do that when you only run an avg. 12 times a game! Just because he does not break one does not mean that he does not have it. He still runs a 4.3 and the guy bench presses over 460lbs! It has pained me to watch him just get completely hammered going up the middle all of the time, or having three guys on him in the backfield on a delayed handoff. After the ULL game, he had only 2 yards on 6 carries. While speaking to him you might as well thought that he had 200 yards on 20 carries because he was so happy for the team winning the game...that is the type of person he is! Please, just remember it is tough to demand loyalty when you don't extend it first. I make no mistake about it, JaMario Thomas is my man and will remain, always. No matter if he is on the field or off! He has brought me and my family so much happiness over the past 10 years on and off the field. We bleed green because of him. This is something that he will overcome, but he needs the support of the entire cast (fans, Coaches, etc.). Just remember, Super-J is a GREAT football player-the beauty of it is... he is a better person! To coin a good friend's saying... GLORY to THE GREEN!
  11. I just found out that the Mean Green have signed another quarterback by the name of Steven Prince. I for one am excited because he and Super-J have been playing in the same backfield since they were in pee-wee football. He hails from Spring Hill and Kilgore College. He just got moved into Victory Hall a week from this past Thursday and has begun workouts. To give you an insight, he reminds me a lot of Scott Hall. Not real quick, but very smart and very accurate with a very strong arm. I am just confused as to why the school has not released this. Nonetheless, it should be a very interesting Spring!
  12. It is my understanding that he is feeling pretty good, hammy is o.k. I know he is excited! I strongly beleive that we will see sure dominance in our running game tonight!
  13. I have no intentions of creating any negativity, nevertheless, I cannot help but to truly feel for the two marquis players we have! When you think of all of the hype that has been built up over the Summer, with tremendous exposure for the program and the school as well as expectations, you can't help but to feel badly for those guys. All we have heard all Summer long is how having these two will not be a problem. It appears to me that it is a problem. The "staff" has had a tremendously long time to prepare for this 1-2 punch, but it seems like a burden more than a benefit. I am and will always be partial to J.T., P.C. is a helluva guy and athlete, so why is it I get the feeling that J.T. has to prove himself all over again? Is it really that hard to get them both on the field at the same time? And why does the "staff" feel that it is essential for them to swap out at the same position? You have two of the best players in the entire country and will not expose them on the field. There has been a lot of expectations on this season along with a lot of anticipation, you would think that the people running the show would take advantage of their talent laden backfield! If P.C. is that versatile of a player, put him at QB, then he can run, pass or pitch to J.T. Lord knows, it can't hurt!
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