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Everything posted by kj86

  1. I don't see a path to 6 wins. FIU is the only near-certain win and we drop at least one of La Tech and Rice.
  2. Helmet will look really cool up close, but from the stands or on TV, you won't be able to tell what the heck is going on there.
  3. I see that ECU/USF has been moved to FAU's stadium. Doesn't seem like they're expecting too much impact to the SE coast of FL.
  4. I don't see a lot of fingers pointed at Bennett. Defense is awful. Mr. Shorts is not getting the job done.
  5. Good news. Bigger than expected crew.
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  6. Agree, but still possibly the best look ever. Looking forward to seeing them in person.
  7. College fb would explode in popularity if they did this. Every game would have meaning.
  8. Need to make things more exciting at the Pit and part of this is on the folks that are actually there. The only time there is any crowd noise is in the last two minutes of a close game or maybe during a comeback. People need to be yelling their asses off every time the other team has the ball, from the opening tip-off. Students try, but get no help from the rest of the crowd. If that place was rockin', I think more students would go.
  9. Leaving for Ruston about 9:30 this a.m. Anyone else going?
  10. Go Mean Green!
  11. Never saw any pants. Hope they're green.
  12. Just got mine. Sec. 124 Row 15
  13. From my experience going to NDSU games at Toyota. You can take up as much space as you want in the parking lot. If you need six parking spaces for your awnings or whatever, no problem. Website says gates open 4 hours before kickoff, but NDSU fans go in way earlier than that...5:30am for an 11am game. I'm planning to get there at 10a.
  14. I ordered mine from the ticket office on Tuesday evening and only $55 ones were available. I did it online. Maybe it was different if you called.
  15. UNT ticket office email says students will get discounted ticket offer. Just curious if anyone has seen any communications to students and how much students will have to pay.
  16. Surprised that the ticket office still doesn't have tickets available. Not sure where the hold up is. Have to think UNT ticket office is waiting on the go-ahead from bowl officials, ESPN, Toyota stadium or whoever.
  17. 12,000 vs 20,500
  18. The only way Seth is gone after this season is if Wren already promised the job to someone else 4 or 5 weeks ago.
  19. Seems like they'd have to wipe out that driveway between the AC and the endzone to do that...unless they make the driveway go underneath the expansion. Really can't tell much from that rendering. I always assumed, when they built the AC, that that deck would overlook the endzone. Very surprised when they built the stadium 30 yards too far away for that.
  20. Was able to concentrate on really watching this game and two things really stood out. 1. Those unsportsmanlike penalties were a direct reflection of bad coaching. 2. Though he can run, Aune's accuracy is...well, there is no accuracy.
  21. When I say where I went, I say "North Texas". When I say I'm going to the game, I say "the Mean Green game". As in, "I can't make it to your lame event. There's a Mean Green game that day."
  22. No college HC experience, but the Texas ties could really help. Um...I think we said that about Dodge.
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