Here are some of the inconsistancies in this case: Getting extra Testosterone is something that will take a long time to work. The effects are not immediate (like the BONK in stage 16 followed by the superhuman effort in stage 17). I believe the Yellow Jersey, Stage winner, and even the top finishers in each stage and the top ranked riders overall are tested. Landis was tested before stage 17 with negative results. Now, one day the ration is inflated. That is very inconsistant. In Landis statements today (8/7), he explained that it is partly the fact that his level of testosterone is not high, but the other part of the ratio is exceptionally low. Lots of media people are compairing this to Berry Bonds. Unlike Bonds, Landis body "structure," performance, and riding technique have not changed over the years. Like Armstrong, his performance has been consistant. So there is no history of Landis using performance enhancment drugs. The testing facility violated its own rules by anouncing to the public the results of the tests. What other inconsistancies do they have? I know I have been pee tested for work or pre employment screening. Those are VERY STRICTLY CONTROLLED and I watch the packaging of the test and even initial the tape across the bottle. While it has not come out what the exact procedures are for handling the tests and tamper prevention, I can see this coming out in the case.