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Everything posted by dacat

  1. WWW.twitter.com/unt_coliseum Check it out.
  2. Team store: Check out Door E next time you're there. There is a store in the "family fun zone". Center Hung Screens: It's common knowledge that the equipment is about a million bucks. The real issue that people have not discussed is wether or not the roof will support the weight. I don't think there is a structural engineering company out there that won't charge less then a million bucks to sign off on the structural integrity of the root. Lighting: The metal halide lights in the super pit require a 10-15 minute warm up time. So yes going black would be cool but then you delay the game 10-15 turning them back on. They do have shutter mechanisims that you can install on the metal halide fixtures like this one -> PDF of a shutter mech.. But when I last looked up at the ceiling there were over 50+ lights that made up the floor lights. So you have the cost of the shutters, then the cost of cranes and lift to just install them. Not to mention labor, wiring and a control board. I am a detail guy. I noticed how horrible the maps are and they definitely need to be redone, have you noticed how the bathrooms are flipped on the maps? I'm talking the huge maps you see when you walk in the main entrances. Also, why is it they can't put the game on those flat screens they have around the building? I am all for better ticketing options, for example moving it deeper into the concourse, but I propose they should build two ticket booths outside on the side of the drop off area. During games I would open the third concession stand during half time, maybe make it a drink only stand rather then a drink only line at the other stands; but then again dominos sales drinks too and they are bottle drinks so less risk of spillage. Torn on that one. Alcohol: it is my understanding that "we" the alumni/students/everyone is given a "pass" by the admin to drink on campus during football game days. We don't have the same luxury during basketball. Now if we could get the admin to provide the same for basketball then "we" as fans could setup a tent and have our own "tailgate" area. Then again you could always join the mean green club at the $500 dollar level and get into the hospitality room before the games and have a tasty beverage. thats my 2cents. go Jameson! (whiskey) -dacat
  3. Yesterday we called around Denton bars asking about the men's basketball game. The following didn't really care to much about UNT basketball. - The Not to Be named GMG sponsor - Loophole - Abby Inn - Rockys - Roosters - Hooligans Maybe I am being a bit harsh. Each one of the above venues kept asking me "what channel?" Each venue also had either Dish Network, DirecTV, Charter Cable or Fios. Now I did the work for some and found channels only to be told 'we don't have it' and that was that. Seriously, these Denton establishments need to provide people with a place to watch UNT sports. Why? How many of you went to Lewisville to watch UNT play? That is lost revenue for the City of Denton. (Not to mention the further deterioration of our planet .. thanks guys /sarcasm) Plus it is in my unhumble opinion that if your going to call yourself a sports bar in a college town you better make an effort to support your local college sports even if it's competitive underwater basket weaving. Ok, now the good and the end of my rant. Texas 8 Ball, was one of the few that didn't have an annoyed tone when I kept asking if they could "check channel #, how about #" They also had the game because they purchased the DirecTV sports package that gave them regional sports networks. We didn't go there because while I was on the phone with them my woman's co-worker was on the phone with SweetWater. Now SweetWater. The gentleman at SweetWater spent many minutes on the phone and his own personal time to look for a network that was showing the game on his service provider. When he found the game, after spending his own personal time looking, he phoned us to let us know he could show the game. When we arrived, a small group of 10, he had a table setup in front of one of his TVs. When the game started he turned off the overhead speakers that were playing music and cranked up the TV volume. I do not know the man's name but he was more than accommodating, and deserves your attention next time a game is played away and your looking for a place to watch. -dacat
  4. Let me correct you on that one. My woman works there and they staff the ticket takers, and ushers per athletic's requests for basketball games. The mean green gear store is put there by athletics, and if there is an issue with the vendor, that needs to be taken up with athletics. -Felix this message has been approved by my woman.
  5. official attendance counts include all season tickets sold wether or not they attend. In other words, official tally is the sum of all tickets sold + scanned in students.
  6. the bats are always there.. they hang out in the rafters.. .dacat.
  7. Defense does all the work.. a safety and an interception back for a touch down... hold ULL to two field goals. final score.. 9-6
  8. Yes i am a dirty spurs fan, i have been since the day the day I felt sun on my face. I understand Lifer's point about the fan base, but I will say this. It was debated wether or not to ebay the spurs tickets in favor of the NT game, but we got good seats. Anyhow, i have supported NT football for the last 4 years, the last 3 with my season ticket purchases. I was also one of the many that bitched and moaned about the "donation" i had to pay for my season tickets, but in the end I bought all four tickets + the seat backs alotted to me thanks to payroll deduction Besides.. would you give up the seats I have? When I yell 'THROW THE BALL DICKEY!' it warms me through and through to know he can hear me .dacat. ps. The Wellsfargo Tent has free beer!
  9. thanks rick Mean Grean '93: i just sent you out an email. -dacat
  10. Hey everybody, I have 4 tickets on the alumni side for sale for the Nov 5th game vs Louisiana-Lafayette. Section E Row 10 seats 18-21 (if i remeber the seat #'s correctly) it right on the 50. They have those green chair backs on them. I won't be able to make it to the game, because we got tickets to the Dallas Mavs vs San Antonio Spurs. Im looking for face value ($20 ea) but any decent offer will be considered. Thanks, Felix GoMeanGreen
  11. .nod. Find someone like Coach Klein (Waterboy reference) to draw up some new plays.
  12. i wasn't aware that unt had a bowling team... is the Denton tournement open to ABC/WIBC members?
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