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Everything posted by untStein

  1. Did anyone hear "God Bless America" during game 2? It was absolutely awful.
  2. Agreed. It's not a great offense for a north/south runner and it's even more difficult for an O line to run block out of a two point stance. I like this offense but J Mo isn't really suited for it.
  3. We'll have all cyborgs from the year 9595 by 2008.
  4. Brilliant!
  5. Sounds good to me. I think the frustration comes from our expectations. Despite what some of us said, I think we all expected a considerably more successful first year of the Todd Dodge Experience. I know I did and it was unrealistic. Let's just relax and observe, what we all hope to be a solid foundation, being built.
  6. Good question- that guy was moving. Love the video.
  7. Where (if I can) can I find a video clip of that play? It was great live, but I couldn't see much from where I was sitting.
  8. Well deserved. Did anyone else think that Joseph Miller had a particularly good game?
  9. Definitely what he needs to work on. I think that will improve drastically over time.
  11. "We are the Champions my friend..."
  12. Totally agree. Good news for UNT: every other team in 1A has been disqualified for paying players, steroids, etc. which means UNT wins the national title! What a great victory.
  13. Wow. We're in and Buffalo isn't.
  14. I hope it's "Knights in White Satin." AC/DC did that, right?
  15. Your spread offense with 4 receivers frightens and confuses me. I'm a caveman, I can't grasp these concepts.
  16. North Texas 3 FAU 2
  17. Total classic.
  18. All you need to know is that J&J's is on the square.
  19. I'm considering going down to the game with my dad. What time does it start?
  20. Bill Brasky wasn't listed.
  21. here's a link to the Trojans doing the Haka before the Trinity/SLC game. I was sitting on the Trinity side and the whole place went nuts when they did it. Haka
  22. And Rutgers is located where? That's all you need to know.
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