No arguement there. Maybe "letting her win" was the wrong way to say it. By completely withholding your money, you allow her to continue to stand in a position of power. When you redistribute your money and let people know that you are dissatisfied, you can speak louder. Vote with you dollars. Accompany your donation with a letter that speaks to what your intentions truely would be had you not been treated badly. Flood any public email address from the school with your opinion. There are plenty of ways to still support your university that will not help her get any recognition. As true fans of UNT, we should support our school and do what we are able to help it move forward. If you do not feel that you can do that in one area because of a person who is involved there, then redistribute your resources and let anyone who will listen know of your displeasure. As for the alumni who feel no conection to the university, that is a major problem. Given the track record that Mandy has among the people here, there isn't much that can be done from an athletics perspective to help with that situation. You are correct, no one is irreplaceable. If we want to recapture the lost alumni, there will need for some changes to be made.