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Everything posted by oldguystudent

  1. I think we are booked solid through the next five years or so. This booking ten years out seems to be the thing these days.
  2. Ten years out, but it's a start: http://www.meangreensports.com/sports/m-footbl/spec-rel/012717aab.html
  3. Man, that does not look good at all. Yikes!
  4. I could feasibly make eight regular season games this season. I can't complain about that no matter how hard I try. Unfortunately, the two road games I can make are SMU and LaTech, neither of which are my favorite stadiums to visit, but in the case of the latter, there's beer and gambling involved, so I got that goin' for me.
  5. I didn't even know that was possible. First time I've ever heard of anything like that. I agree with Army of Dad -- nice find.
  6. Periodically, my phone puts a little basketball icon on the top. I open it up and see that UNT is playing basketball. That's pretty much the extent of my awareness anymore.
  7. If those are the seats you're buying, you're not really there to watch the game.
  8. Not a problem. That kind of money can buy an earlier sunset.
  9. The funnier thing here is if the second deck on the student side, and the inevitable new club section and new suites that come with it, are nicer than their legacy counterparts on the alumni side. I wanna see that uproar so hard.
  10. This is why, even in the down times, I hold on to my seats. Those cabanas don't look attractive to me at all.
  11. What was the capacity of that place? Doesn't look like more than a couple thousand.
  12. First of all, because it made my simple male mind quiver a bit, I consulted the Oxford dictionary -- it's effect change, not affect change. I only bring that up because I saw both on this thread and was torn as to which one it really is. Honestly, I can't f'ing stand internet grammar queens. Apologies for bringing it up. Anywho, I have been greatly surprised in recent times that we small timers do effect more change than we realize. I always thought I had no voice, so why bother with trying to use it. I think I was wrong. That said, I don't see productivity on bringing out pitchforks and tar. I do see productivity in bringing up tangible, measurable points of dissatisfaction. Oh. I'm sorry, in this era of snowflakes, I do see productivity in bringing up tangible, measurable points of needed improvement. My investment here is primarily in football, and would also be in baseball if UNT were to ever field a team. I suppose this whole Benford thing for me is simply because with basketball, I can take it or leave it. And honestly, it's historically been so freaking difficult to purchase a ticket to get into a game, I don't much have any first hand witness experience in whether Benford can coach or not. The gatekeepers to the Super Pit made it too miserable to enter in the first place.
  13. Why would you title this up in smoke? This is SMU. THC is too low brow for them. Rails in the VIP bottle service section of lower Greenville or GTFO.
  14. I honestly don't know the answer to this question because I don't much understand the workings of college basketball: This season is, for me, a complete and total write-off. Which move then is best for the long-term future of the program beginning next season? Is it immediate termination with pitchforks, tar and feathers? Or is it to ride out this already lost season? Again, I honestly don't know the answer. I don't know how recruiting works, blah blah blah etc etc.
  15. Is this from the Big Book of Todd Dodge quotes?
  16. I find this twitter exchange encouraging.
  17. Sagarin rating before tonight's game was 298 out of 351 D1 teams. So when the new ratings come out in the morning, it will likely be sub 300.
  18. 81-57 final. Somebody post the dumpster fire.
  19. That's...an interesting move.
  20. Dammit. It was a privilege and honor watching you play, Zach.
  21. Did season tickets come with a conference championship parking pass?
  22. Don't Army and Navy play a week after everybody else? Will they get an exemption?
  23. When I come on this board, I wonder if I should just hang myself, shoot myself with a pistol in my mouth, shoot myself with a pistol to the side of the head, shotgun with a string tied to my toe, gas oven, car turned on in the garage, or go all Marilyn and leave a beautiful corpse with some delicious barbiturates.
  24. Honestly, I think there's a bit of a reporting bias in that if anybody commits to UNT, their reported recruiting stars ranking or whatever the hell metric they use automatically gets downgraded. It'll take a while to change that perception. I don't care how we're ranking a year ahead of taking the field again. I care that we're recruiting the pieces of the puzzle that we need, which right now is nearly all of them.
  25. This is exactly why I always fear for my life when driving on that portion of interstate 10 on the way to Baton Rouge that goes over the swamp. I always think it's just going to collapse and/or sink while I'm on it.
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