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Everything posted by oldguystudent

  1. I agree with this. One of my favorite pictures is of my kid with Casey Fitzgerald on the field after a game. Even though we lost...badly...again, that is a great memory. I suppose they became much more protective of the playing surface once the move to Apogee happened.
  2. I honestly had no idea that Arkansas was once relevant in football. I mean no snark in that whatsoever. Sometimes it takes the passing of a great to educate me.
  3. Some opinions are better kept to one's self:
  4. On a side note, the schedule I'm looking at via Google shows all twelve games happening on Saturday this year. Have we finally escaped the dreaded G5 you're playing on Tuesday afternoon because we're ESPN and we say so curse?
  5. Man, I missed something good yesterday, didn't I? Dammit!
  6. More of a seasonal time constraint issue that didn't exist a few years ago. And how did you quote me from an entirely different thread in this one? Technology. What a time to be alive!
  7. My Friday night camping days are over, but man, I wish I'd have thought to check the stadium restrooms back when I was doing it!
  8. That explains a lot. Mandy? Before responding, peruse pages 8 and 9 here and choose words carefully. It is not productive for anybody when employees of the AD come lashing out at their own customer base after decades of neglect, disregard, and outward loathing.
  9. Just gonna pop in and say that's a fantastic name -- Solomon Wise.
  10. If it were later in the year, I would genuinely be interested in the Iowa game. Too early for me to travel though.
  11. I don't know how it happens, but be from body bag to homecoming, if somebody is having a breakout year, you know we're gonna draw them on our schedule.
  12. National press attention is so minuscule, they just assume we're going to be terrible every year. If we'd gone 15-0 and won the national championship in 2016-2017, the media might be so kind as to place us in the top 100 preseason. That said, I've no idea where UNT actually belongs. The only win I'm counting on is against Lamar. Everything else could go horrifically awry or surprisingly well. That's why we play the games, isn't it?
  13. Good gravy (see how I filtered what I actually wanted to say right there?) Every single one of us has our own individual way of contributing, participating, attending, and otherwise consuming the product that is North Texas athletics. Every single one of us has our own individual level of priority we place on all of this. Ten years now for me. For ten years, I have consistently watched people put each other down for not contributing enough, participating in the right events, attending road games in Guam, or cheering/standing/wearing/tailgating/whatthehellevering wrong during games. There is no right or wrong way. Your way is your way, my way is my way. As for the following statement from @forevereagle: I'm just going to say that my level of contribution has explicitly been brought up to my face by somebody very high up the present administrative ladder. It was not a negative experience, but the implication was that were I any lower than I am, that I would've been sorely disappointed. It was only on one occasion, but it implies to me that if we thought the class warfare of the fanbase was ended with the departure of the last administration, we may not have seen nothin' yet. In conclusion, to some of the more critical, finger pointing fans, it's tiresome, it's unattractive, and it's offputting. This doesn't increase fanbase and most certainly does not increase donation coffers or put butts in seats. Sometimes personal perspectives are better left unsaid.
  14. I have no earthly clue as to how one purchases road game tickets. Got my SMU tix through John Williams. I would probably have been interested in the LaTech game, but already had conflicting plans that weekend.
  15. So they're going the UTSA route and bringing in the dirtiest players they can find for a quick uptick in wins that they hope will carry them through the inevitable crash of coaches leaving and players getting dismissed. Good for them. I really am beginning to believe that this route is the only way to win at the G5 level, and only then for short bursts of time. If that is indeed true, I'm perfectly content to sit here in Denton, wallowing in mediocrity.
  16. In leaner times, when bringing my then seven-year-old daughter to games, the big expenditure (which was actually something I saved up for during the week) was the $4 frozen lemonade that she loved so much. A couple of times, when the score was extremely lopsided not in our favor, the fourth quarter clock was winding down, and the pyrotechnic guy was lighting the fuse for the fireworks of shame, I'd haggle down the Domino's pizza guy to give me a pie for two bucks that I could take home and eat the next day. I was going to games during some very, very difficult financial times there for a couple years. My UNT degree has served me well, and I don't have to save up during the week for a frozen lemonade anymore, or a six dollar beer, or a nine dollar beer. This is how I choose to enjoy the fruits of my labor a couple times a year. I regret nothing.
  17. Just about every prognosticator (and many opponents) at the end of the season when they realize UAB is going bowling its first year back:
  18. Not complaining. Just curious. I only really worry about the important things, like the style of the piping on this year's road jerseys.
  19. I used to LOVE Rolling Rock, and once upon a time it was a premium beer that cost more than bud/miller/coors. Then Anheuser bought them. moved the brewery from Latrobe, PA to St. Louis, MO, and I swear it just doesn't taste the same anymore.
  20. PBR and Lonestar are my go to bar tab beers mostly anywhere I go. I might have one or two good beers to start, but then I'm gonna slum it with the American Lager. They are both still hipster enough to be viable alternatives for stadium sales, though I suppose some faction would make argument that a lower cost beer would encourage heavier drinking in the stadium. My rebuttal to this is that I have seriously observed LESS tailgate drinking since they opened beer sales inside the stadium. (I generally don't drink at all during the first three games of the year, so just sit silently and watch others)
  21. I have no shame and would absolutely be down for something like that.
  22. Did those go down? I thought they were $4.
  23. The very first time I saw pricing structure for UNT football tickets, before I was even a student here, I thought that having to donate $250 BEFORE paying for your ticket was the most ridiculous thing ever, because I could just go down to the corner watering hole and watch multiple games for free.
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