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Everything posted by oldguystudent

  1. You can't count it on your fingers. You need an abacus with the eleventy thousand column on it.
  2. They should have finished stronger and won by eleventy one points! Fire Johnny Jones!!!!
  3. Interesting choice.
  4. Maybe his approval ratings would go up if he sold beer at the White House.
  5. In other news, the UC Irvine women's water polo team beat Long Beach state 10-7 on Sunday. I find that just as exciting. Yawn.
  6. You know. It may be nice to dream about taking rejects from rivals, but...
  7. If there's anything I've learned in life, it's that you can't accurately place a characteristic on any fraternity nationwide. I was in a fraternity in college. We probably personified the revenge of the nerds, only without the 4.0 GPAs (back then, you only needed a 2.0 to be a member). Going to other chapters of our fraternity, I've seen jocks, nerds, geeks, choir boys, rednecks, one particular chapter that I was pretty sure had intentions of lynching some of our minority members, hippies, tree huggers and some absolute jarheads. I've seen a chapter in California that I really liked screw up and kill a pledge. I've seen another chapter that I didn't particularly care for shooting their pledges with pellet guns. On the other hand, I've seen chapters that go to church together every Sunday and chapters with cumulative GPAs over 3.5 (yeah Georgia Tech, I'm looking at you). I've been to chapters of other fraternities that were complete and utter asshats at our school, but super nice guys elsewhere. I never liked any of the fraternities at USC and I would imagine I'd have the same feeling towards fraternities at SMU. You take a campus that is made up mostly of privileged kids, provide them with an environment to be even more exclusive amongst themselves, and good things are unlikely to happen. I'm aware of some of the history of KA here at UNT and to be blunt, I'm not entirely surprised that such a group would exist. I wouldn't, however, spend time cherry picking other KA chapters that get themselves in hot water. So basically, I share a set of Greek letters with thousands of other guys that are probably absolutely nothing like me and with whom I don't identify at all. I do, however, identify with the 40 guys in my chapter that I went through school with, and that's all I need. I have told my own fraternity's national office to piss off and stop asking me for money when I think they're going in an entirely wrong direction. As far as Greek life in general, I neither celebrate nor bemoan anybody for joining a fraternity...even KA. I can find all of the above examples, both good and bad, in all walks of student life and all types of student organizations.
  8. Man, judging by some of his players in Hawaii, you must really have to screw up to get kicked of June Jones' team.
  9. I guess those Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders really make it a tough sell for ole' Jerry. ETA -- Frisco housewives loooove taking their kids to Hooters on Sundays after church. I don't understand it. I don't agree with it. But that place is packed with women and kids.
  10. That's what I'm looking for right there. I don't mind government spending that's actually going to send dollars into the economy a la improving the Interstate system. The entitlements, on the other hand, are an entirely different ball of wax. Food stamps do not create commerce. Those programs have their place, but not in a stimulus plan.
  11. Interesting. Texas must work differently than California. In CA, Christian schools are the BEST places to recruit from. They're the only high schools that can and do openly recruit for their own programs!
  12. Be sure to tune in at 9:30 p.m. to watch the shootout that breaks the 0-0 tie.
  13. Regarding the whole beer thing, I would rather have beer in the parking lot with my tailgate than in the stadium. They add beer concessions in the stadium, and I bet they'd counter with dry parking lots.
  14. I just want to know what their mascot is.
  15. I was kinda' hoping that you might write that check. Barring that, I had to go to the California insurance board and make the insurance pay up for what our contract said they covered.
  16. Partner with other Sunbelt schools to promote and incentivize travel between schools. Charter buses, get hotels to offer room discounts, hold post-game promotions at the pourhouse.
  17. 1,850,642
  18. If I understand correctly, it is illegal to serve alcohol at a collegiate sporting event in the state of Texas. The deck is leased to a third party vendor, and is technically not part of the game.
  19. Sure. Like the time my daughter was born and they performed an emergency c-section, put the kid in NICU for a week, and placed my wife in a private room instead of a semi-private room since nothing else was available. I just wrote a check for that $44,000 bill that was composed entirely of covered events.
  20. You know who else advocated a stimulus package? HITLER!
  21. It also killed Elvis, but worst of all, it makes the baby Jesus cry.
  22. Just glanced over this, but I don't see how it's any worse than letting HMO's make my doctor's decisions. If you look at how the average HMO operates, the likelihood of them literally letting you die is much higher than it should be. Oldguy "former insurance license holder" student
  23. Start the games a little earlier...say 5 o'clock, and have concerts in the stadium after the game. The mean green brigade gets to be the opening act while they're setting up the stage for the main event. If possible, have good concerts. Again, do it in conjunction with local radio stations. You get someone like Bowling for Soup playing in Denton after a football game, but require a football ticket to see the show, and you're going to increase attendance markedly.
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