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Everything posted by oldguystudent

  1. I love watching his dad in the stands every minute of every game no matter how much he plays or how he does. It's been a lot of fun watching the smile on his face when Adam has these career games. On the topic of this thread, I've already professed my undying love for Adam McCoy on Valentines Day.
  2. Just for the record, in case anyone thinks I'm just a whiner, I got my test scores back for all five classes. 100, 100, 100, 94 and 68. See an outlier to the data sample?
  3. They have better facilities. They also had a lot more than 15 days for the draft......of their resolution.
  4. I would buy AAA insured tax free AMT exempt muni bonds and go live like a golden god in Thailand laughing every day at those who would settle for ONLY two chicks.
  5. All I know is that I used to have raccoons in the apartment complex I live in. Those little bastards had great hands and blistering speed. We could really use a few additions in the receiver position.
  6. Does my magic student ID card work for this game?
  7. Are any of them eligible to play football?
  8. I've got a couple people from last semester willing to sign on that dotted line. Tough to convince kids to take that chance while they're still in the class.
  9. Watching my very first softball game on Sunday, I noticed some differences that I couldn't figure out. 1) I tried looking up the rule on the designated player, but it just further confused me. Can someone explain to me in simplistic terms how this works? 2) It seemed like a given on both teams to bunt with a runner on first, but not with a runner on third. Is this by rule or strategy? 3) Many of the players, rather than planting the back foot and stepping into the swing, took a run at the ball. Many times, even when they checked their swing, they ended up a good six feet out of the batter's box. Why do they swing like this? Is there no rule that a batter has to remain in the box? 4) What's considered a great speed for a fastball? 5) What are the pitch variations? I clearly saw fastballs and change-ups with other pitches having nasty spin, but no discernable curve. 6) Is there no rhyme nor reason as to what the various coaches wear? 7) This may be related to #6 since I can't tell who's who on the coaching staff, but is there no limit to mound visits?
  10. To be fair, even prize fighters shake hands before they start throwing blows. Bad form to come out swinging before introducing one's self.
  11. I, for one, blame Tina Yothers and her hypothetical November travels for this entire rumor mill mess.
  12. I'm not on campus on Wednesday. Can you link to it?
  13. Can't we just throw the both of them in an MTV Death Match and be done with all this?
  14. If you can make it through all nine minutes of this, you have a stronger stomach than I. QZ3yZjb_O-M
  15. Can I submit a petition to deny their petition?
  16. I'll take that into consideration. In the mean time, I suggest you consider making a career of berating people for asking advice from people who've been through UNT as to proper channels to take.
  17. If I can get the department to pay my mortgage, I'll take the crappy grade.
  18. She's an adjunct instructor who's a PhD candidate at another school. I don't think her research will get in the way. I've started documenting what she's doing in class.
  19. So let's say I'm in this class where the instructor only shows up half the time. When she does show up, she uses 30 of the 80 minutes of allotted class time. During this 30 minute period, she spends half of it talking about her college days, her car, her son and Obama. Now in week six, she's cut class to once a week instead of twice. She comes unprepared, and doesn't really talk about anything in class. Now to further the fun, let's say that the test was comprised of completely random and irrelevant questions that left your's truly with a 68, but probably one of the higher scores in the class. Let's further say that our lovely instructor mocked the class for getting such low scores today. Some of you know exactly about what and whom I speak. The syllabus says that I must first go to a grader, then to the instructor, then to the department. Given the in-class track record, I wonder if I can skip the first two steps. Anyone have experience with this kind of thing? I came to this school a bit cocky with the notion that I could face any professor, and so far it's proven true, but when I'm assessed on completely random minutia, my GPA is getting threatened by playing trivial pursuit on tests for the Seinfeld of classes (the class about nothing). I don't think anybody can overcome that.
  20. Hell, I'm not even an IP let alone a VIP or VVIP. Meh. More fun prognosticating from the outside.
  21. It was this guy. He was calling all the fouls. He was the guy both coaches were going after. Here's his stat sheet covering his long and illustrious career of 15 games. Stat sheet shows he called 55 fouls on Saturday.
  22. I was commenting to Flyer that it would've been even better if they'd been our size.
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