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Everything posted by oldguystudent

  1. Oh we'll find a way! Come hell, high water, or a long hike over a pedestrian bridge, we'll find a way!
  2. Completely off topic. Rick, You out there fighting those grass fires?
  3. Rep. Betty Brown of Terrell suggests that Asians should change their names to something that Americans can more easily deal with. This should be a fun little side show to the daily tax debate.
  4. I want a refund for the fees I've paid for the armadillo and the rec center. I never have and never will set foot in either one of those places. They are an insult to my studenthood!!!!! While we're at it, I don't use the student union, the library, the on campus computer labs or the one o'clock lounge!! I'm not just insulted, I'm downright offended!!!!! Shame on the university for trying to provide a diverse range of top notch facilities for its eclectic student body!
  5. There are a lot of homeschoolers in Frisco with the main motivation being the lack of daily Jesus in public school. The kids learn their three r's and socialize among their own (sizable) population regularly. The kids I've seen that are around 20 who've recently come out of that background are generally well read and capable of all the school subjects. They do, however, tend to see the world through very rose colored glasses, and have difficulty navigating through some outside world social situations. I can relate, being the product of a reclusive Christian boarding school. When I got to college, I was quite literally scared for my life as I had been ingrained with the notion that the 17,000 students on campus who were not part of my religion were all agents of the Devil trying to tempt me into sin. Thank God, they succeeded brilliantly! Now then, onto this unschooling thing. From the FAQs: Thatsa nice. Your kids can see shapes in a quilt. Next time I need an architect, I'll be sure to hire one of them. They'll have no idea how to engineer a building that will remain standing for 15 minutes, but it'll be darn pretty! Yes. I put a Bic lighter under his palm. Well, that sounds great for pre-school. I'll be sure to note on your resume that you have a rigorous background of singing and dancing. I might need an unpaid understudy at the community theater someday.
  6. I have to say it. I can't resist. PORT ARTHUR ISD IS PASSING US BY!
  7. We should never, ever look at the designs of other stadiums like the high endzone seats of Texas A&M or the grass berm at Northern Illinois or the grass berm at UT
  8. Saw something really interesting the the most recent Gallup poll. 64% approval for Obama vs. 34% approval for Bush when he left office. Add those together, and you get 98%. Tells me that we are still as polarized and uncompromising as ever. It also tells me that we will either get through the Obama administration in decent shape or that 64% of America is incredibly stupid and has had the wool pulled over their eyes.
  9. I haven't been inside a church for a long time. I haven't spoken with a preacher or pastor in a long time, so I'm curious about a few things. What were the stated roles of men and women both inside the church and at home? Are gays and lesbians welcomed inside the church? What was the preacher/pastor's position on Christian activities such as blowing up abortion clinics? Does he disagree with the goals of Christian fundamentalist or just their methods? Did you happen to discuss his position on the role of Biblical law and if it has a place in the U.S. legal justice system? Six of one, half dozen of the other I say. I don't care what religion it's coming from. If it's encroaching on the legal system, and therefore my personal life, I'm against it. As the good Judeo/Christian Lord would say, keep it in the closet buddy!
  10. Wait a second here. If I'm to believe even one iota of these posts, then I can reasonably assume that Vito missed out on an opportunity to publicly ridicule UNT. Man, that must've been one super ghost ninja incident!
  11. And in other news of equal relevance: While seeking for other earth shattering stories, here's something to grasp onto.
  12. It's all part of the plan for UNT to join the Pac-10.
  13. He sent the Alabama cheerleaders home?
  14. So how does all this translate to the commoners? Am I relegated to sitting in the parking lot with KNTU on the radio for the first few years after graduation?
  15. Keith Olberman -- Reaallllly shoulda stuck to sports Al Franken -- Peaked in 1980 playing the piano on Real People. Must've gone crazy ogling Sarah Purcell and has since become a certifiable nutcase Nancy Pelosi -- Note to self: Invest heavily in cheap plastic surgery raw materials and distorted mirrors marketed to narcissists. John Stewart: A comedian who is as surprised as anybody that people take him seriously. Why is Stephen Colbert never mentioned in this? He's as guilty of mocking Republicans as anybody. Did you not see him playing air hockey with Mike Huckabee or refusing to go out of character on the O'Reilly show?
  16. If Emmitt doesn't play and the team to which he was drafted wins, does it count as ending his lifelong losing streak?
  17. After 12 years of marriage, I can give you a very detailed list of what NOT to do with Korean women!
  18. I had econ and accounting tests on Thursday. Got uncurved 100% on both of them thankyouveddymuch. Am, admittedly having trouble getting through the next accounting chapter today. Too many people in the house (that is to say, more than just me).
  19. I'm pretty sure that New York Magazine is showing its obvious bias with the badly photoshopped image on the first page of that article. I did a little searching and found the original.
  20. Isn't it gmg.com rule numero uno to never, ever compare any aspect whatsoever of UNT to UT, A&M, or any other university in existence?
  21. Wouldn't you need a date to count down to?
  22. I thinking of starting an over/under wager. Which comes first? I see a UNT victory at Fouts or I graduate? I've still got at least two years left.
  23. That makes more sense. I did find some street level photos of Pyongyang at night taken from hotel windows and the city was pretty dark. I wasn't aware of the 10PM thing, but I can believe it. As for South Korea, I often wondered how a country that produces no energy of its own can maintain the volume of lights that it does. Certain places in Seoul have enough neon to make Vegas look like a podunk Iowa corn field.
  24. Kim Jong Il is crazy, but he ain't stupid. Launching a missile is just North Korea's way of signaling to the South and the US that they're running low on Ramen noodles again. I'm not kidding. This happened several times while I was living in Korea. The North would rattle their saber a bit, the US and South Korea would literally send a ship stocked with ramen noodles up north, and the ordeal would end. As long as there are US troops still stationed in South Korea, Kim ain't startin' no war. We withdraw troops, and the North would overtake Seoul in a matter of hours. The ROK military isn't exactly what I would call formidable. I'm curious if that satellite photo is legit. I can totally see the south looking like that from a satellite, but I would expect to at least see some light coming out of Pyong Yang in the north.
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