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Everything posted by oldguystudent

  1. I actually was thinking along the same lines. It does seem silly to emulate the rites and ceremonies of that which your eschew. Kinda' like Christmas trees and Easter eggs on the Christian side of things. Both the de-baptising and Christian holiday rituals adopt the practices of entities they respectively reject.
  2. On the flip side of this, what's the justification of baptizing 12-year-old children? My church hounded me from the age of 12 until I graduated high school with that, and I never did it. I was truly the oddball out because everybody got baptized at that age. Now, many moons later, some of my friends who were baptized are still in the church, some aren't. Whichever way they eventually went, all of them have since told me that they got baptized because it was the thing to do and that they were too young to understand what they were supposed to be committing to. If we take marriage so seriously that we place a minimum age on it, shouldn't baptism, which is essentially a marriage to God, be taken even more seriously and pursued at an age of greater understanding?
  3. May I introduce you to my bevy of Chinese students?
  4. I'm holding this nation and it's UN partners for ransom for twenty three hundred bazillion jillion dooolars!
  5. And two threads have different factions clamoring to take credit for the invention of "Look to the sideline, look to the sideline again, hey! Everybody go long!"??
  6. Hasn't it been stated many times on this board that Obama only got 53% of the vote? Hey! I'd say he's on an upswing at 55%! Really. As much as I despised that last administration, I'm glad I wasn't so hateful, venomous, fearful and paranoid as to wake up every morning scouring the left wing internet in search of far flung statements and grasping at straws statistics so I could shout to the deaf ears of the world that our country was coming to an end. Sad, really.
  7. How fashionably understated. Nice to know we're raising the bar. Now there's ambition defined right there. Five or six games a year.
  8. If they would reverse the deal, buy a gun, get a truck, I'd be there in a heartbeat!
  9. Of course, Damon's truly great performances came as a member of the Oakland A's, but they're little more than a farm club to New York and Boston anymore.
  10. I used to get the giant sandwich on a plank from that place all the time when I was doing in-services and presentations for faculty. They love that stuff.
  11. So many inappropriate responses about marijuana in the UNT locker room. So little time.
  12. Riprocks has the burger, fries and a drink for $3.50 on I believe Tuesdays. Pretty decent lunch for cheap.
  13. One thing to consider is that the pot definitely ages one more quickly. I went to high school with this guy, he picked up the habit, and now look at him.
  14. Just about every class I take is in Curry or the Business Building, so I park in the church lot and walk through Fry street every day. The drink seemed like it was trying to be this exclusive night club in a street full of 50c drink bars. Didn't seem like much of a winning formula. I'm curious what the Public House will be. Hope they're not trying to ride the coattails of those imminent oh-so-successful luxury condos where all the Fry St eateries used to be. There are a few decent, cheap, independent restaurants near 7-11 on Oak. The Italian place, Thai Place, Chinese place and sushi place. I've eaten at the Italian and Thai place, and they're not exactly food I'd want to take a potential seven-figure donor to, but they serve their purpose for a reasonable price. I never had the privilege of eating at any of the old Fry St. places, so I don't know the benchmark against which everyone here measures. As for the Central Grill, I'm going to give benefit of the doubt that mine was a one-time experience, but when I took the kid there once, our wings tasted like cleaning product. I don't mean the recipe was bad. I mean some cleaning product had somehow permeated into the sauce. Unfortunately, it was enough to steer me away ever thereafter. I never publicly said anything about it because everyone here loved it so much, and I figured I'd just gotten a very rare bad batch.
  15. I was thinking more along the lines of no redneck bleachers. Softball is really fun at UNT if you get the right seats. ;=)
  16. Looks pretty comparable in size to Baylor minus the cheap left field bleachers. It sits around 3000. Where is this drawing from and what century is it supposed to be realized? Ain't no baseball team coming any time soon that I'm aware of.
  17. Food will stay the same. Service will be be confused and very different from anything you're used to. Allegiance to UNT sports will be in existing decorations, but that's about it. Source: Lived in Korea, married Korean, and I'm from LA where many, many landmark food establishments have been bought by Korean families.
  18. Well, actually, I propose a program that will both remedy that situation as well as reduce our energy dependence. TURN OFF THE DAMN LIGHT SWITCH!
  19. I am OGS and I am not a pot smoker.
  20. I saw that article, and it for some reason immediately made me think of Frisco. This place is entirely built on leveraging future revenues of property and retail sales tax. How's that been working out for us?
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