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Everything posted by oldguystudent

  1. Are there casinos in Monroe? If not, how far is Shreveport from Monroe? The idea of Houston doesn't much excite me. Huge sprawling urban landscape. Too much local driving. At least that's how I recall it from business trips down there. Haven't really spent any recreational time there.
  2. That surprises me. That stuff's not cheap. On the 20 mph below the speed limit thing, I knew that, having had the pleasure of traffic school a couple years ago. Speed limit was 65, I slowed to 40.
  3. Arkstfan is always a man of reason.
  4. On the way down yesterday, we passed a traffic stop, and I couldn't move over, so I slowed down to 40. My daughter asked me what I was doing, so I explained the move over or slow down thing. Now that we know what went down last night, she snapped, "Somebody didn't follow the law!" On another note, what kind of gear would you have that isn't issued by the department?
  5. The cop wasn't in the car. He was assisting someone else when his empty car got hit from behind. http://www.wfaa.com/news/local/Carrollton-squad-car-destroyed-in-I-35E-wreck-141358103.html
  6. On the way home, we hit an accident on the interstate. Like all lanes closed, 20 cop cars, fire trucks everywhere, everyone had to drive over the grass shoulder to the service road kind of accident. I drove past a car that was so wrecked, my initial thought was that the driver was surely dead. The car was so smashed, that since the driver side door hadn't been cut off, the dead driver must surely have still been inside. Then I notice the faint remnants of paint on the side of the car and realized it was a cop car. About two hundred yards in front of that was an upside down minivan. I have never even seen a picture of such carnage. I am a little shaken up for having witnessed such a thing. This helps explain to me why I perceive police as being so tense all the time. Every day when you go to work, this kind of thing can happen. I can't imagine what was going through the minds of the Carrollton police working the scene with one of their own as the casualty. I don't think I'm going to sleep anytime soon tonight.
  7. Five games I can live with. One of those five being a Tuesday, not so much. Football games are much more an event than basketball games. It's not very attractive for me to haul ass up from work at 90 miles an hour to make it to Apogee in time for kickoff with nary a single tailgate morsel in my belly. I hope the television contract pays well. On the plus side, I definitely see 6 wins in this schedule.
  8. With Benson at the helm, and the imminent arrival of such football juggernauts as Idaho, San Jose St, and Lousiana Tech, I'd call the new conference the Wacky Belt.
  9. Still a better thread than debating whether to wait for the potential of a high school football coach to materialize.
  10. In a similar vein, was there not a run on guns and ammunition in 2008 because conservatives bought the line that Obama was going to ban everything hook line and sinker? Both sides encourage us to hate and fear the other and both sides profit handsomely from it.
  11. Outside Eulessismore and his blatant hippie ways, I did not know there existed a UNT alum over the age of 40 who holds such views. How do I not know this of you? At the next football game, I'd like to buy you a beer and subscribe to your newsletter.
  12. If political office were actually considered a duty to serve one's country instead of a means to fill one's own coffers, then Colin Powell should be president today, and I would've leapt with great fury from the Democratic ship in a rush to vote him into office.
  13. Who the hell would want to be the AD at Southern Miss? They place too much emphasis on baseball, and if they're not careful, they're gonna' end up in the same conference as that little ole' school out in Denton.
  14. I blame Rick Villareal for this travesty.
  15. When a single man can control the price of gasoline throughout an entire nation at a price significantly lower than the world market will bear, his name tends to be Hugo Chavez.
  16. In all honesty, and this is absolutely not me playing partisan, I don't remember a thing about ANWR until 2008. The debate I remember in 2000 was whether to tap into the national reserves or not. On this, I could be wrong. Either way, I'm not opposed to drilling, refineries, or infrastructure, but I've said before that the man who lays out the cash to drill in Alaska only to sell it to the US at below world market prices isn't a very good businessman.
  17. Chalk me up as one who believes the HUGE increase in demand in China and India over that past ten years is the biggest culprit here. But, as long as we're having some fun, remember that Bush's proposed solution to the high gas prices during his 2000 campaign (which were approaching $1.85 in California!!!) was to get OPEC to "open up the spigot." No talk of domestic development in drilling, refining, or infrastructure. Just get OPEC to produce more!
  18. Quiet you! Baseball is for communists and schools that don't pour enough resources into football!
  19. I work in Fort Worth. The city government may not support TCU athletics like people would like it to, but TCU alumni are a powerful bunch in this town behind the scenes. I don't really see the same thing with UNT in Denton. Blame lack of economic drivers outside campus borders on Denton for that one. Lots of cool places to hang out, nowhere to get a decent paying job.
  20. Seriously, what does it accomplish to vacate wins from four years ago? I've never understood that. Take USC. Had they vacated their BCS championship, what were they gonna' do? Bring a bunch of old, out of shape men back to college and have them play in another championship game?
  21. This might be one of the coolest ideas I've heard in a long, long time. I would absolutely watch that. I've got Netflix on my TV, and have never been able to get ESPN3 to do the same (my TV is from 2005, soo...yeah).
  22. Can you still do that? Last time I drove by the softball field, it looked like they planted a bunch of trees just behind the fence where we used to park our cars.
  23. I speak jive, but I had the fish for dinner.
  24. I think most of us know each other for real and our user names here are no secret as to our actual identities. I'm just careful about posting my real name online as a general rule of thumb and security more than out of cowardice. As for that other board, it's a lot of wasted energy spent hating your own school like that. I think I learned my lesson on that one while suffering through the debacle that was Todd Dodge. These things too shall (and did!) pass. If everything is so miserable, then by all means, get yourself to the nearest Alberton's and deck yourself out in Longhorns gear like everyone else.
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