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Everything posted by oldguystudent

  1. The past couple months have made me feel like I'm watching an old episode of the Simpsons:
  2. There are like two comments on that thread, one of which is an alum calling students chodes. I don't know how well this accurately reflects things. The sample is microscopic.
  3. Huh. I had no idea this was a thing. TIL
  4. We were automatically dismissed as being in the high 120s for several years there regardless of what we were doing, so putting us in the top 100, even with predictions of a step back, is a good thing. Progress!
  5. This is why sometimes I prefer r/cfb. Fans on there are much, much more cordial with each other -- even if they're from FAU, UTSA, or SMU. Puffing your chest out because a bunch of kids you don't know who attend your school for the sole purpose of throwing a leather bound bladder around can do it better than a bunch of kids we don't know who attend our school for the sole purpose of throwing a leather bound bladder around is a very strange concept to me. I'm happy when UNT does well, but it in no way makes me feel like a superior person. Likewise, when UNT does poorly, I don't feel like less of a person. Go out there and forge your own identity, kid.
  6. Watching how this thing is unfolding, I'm pretty certain it will ultimately pass. It may not have on the first iteration of voting -- which many students probably forgot even happened. This second iteration has been all for all day every night. Can't imagine it'll fail this time. I hope all of us who were clamoring for its passage choose to open our wallets on the other side of the stadium commensurate with available disposable income. That would be win-win in my eyes. Here's a handy table for us to increase our contributions in kind by 42.5% Last year contribution This year Contribution 125 178 250 355 500 710 1000 1,420 2000 2,840
  7. We were both kinda right. They won the Big Sky tournament in 2001. While I was a Big West alum, I was aware of it because local LA radio at the time made a BIG deal if one of the smaller area schools accomplished something like that. Hell, they did a segment on the University of San Diego winning so many games in its non-scholarship no-playoff bid FCS league. LA radio cared about everybody. (RIP Joe McDonnell) I actually have no memory of the 2009 Big West win. My school was so gawdawful at the time that I'd more or less stopped paying attention altogether.
  8. I....I don't even know how to begin to respond to your sage advice and wisdom.
  9. I would think the fastest, most cost efficient measure, if installing legit stadium chair back seats is too expensive (hint: it is), would be to put in bench backs like SMU has. Hell, color them green so it looks like we've sold out and can lie about our attendance like SMU does with their red bench backs. Just have it uniform. As it is, that side of the stadium looks littered. God, I can't believe I just wrote that. I'm Mr. I don't care about uniforms or what the band wears or any of that crap. Can't tell you why that one thing grates against me.
  10. I don't think any D1 school in California cares less about their athletic department than Northridge does. They did win the conference tournament and went dancing back around 2003ish. I can't remember that they've been even remotely relevant even within the lowly Big West since.
  11. I like this. I like it even more that it's not a straight up free ticket. You're getting a ticket in exchange for your contact information. Hopefully they'll use that information to get on the phone and start selling.
  12. If it's on there, I can't find it. I know I've watched a game on Facebook Stadium before, but I can't find it at all today.
  13. Kid's a current student writing for the NT Daily and is just knocking the socks off the DRC. Everything he writes is exceptional.
  14. I made it to the mid-day event to pick up tickets last August and was bummed that I didn't realize there was a free lunch until a couple days later. I was sadface Mean Green. This one is smack dab in the middle of tax season, so no go. Oh well. I ain't even mad. Related, have they set the date for the spring game yet? I haven't gone for a couple years. Edit: Schedule says spring game is at 7pm on Friday, March 30. Friday? Huh. Unfortunately I made plans for that night months ago.
  15. My turn to be nitpicky on inconsequential matters: Those sporadic green chairbacks in the background look awful except for what appears to be section 209. If they get the money, combined with increased required contributions on the alumni front, I wish they would decide to just put the damn chair backs in every seat on the alumni side. If I were a bajillionaire, I would personally make a restricted donation to put chair backs on the entire alumni side.
  16. It honestly reminds me of the gym my undergrad school used to play in...in the 70s...when they were division II...that by the nineties was pretty much only used for intramurals. I've never been in the snake pit, but I imagine it's similar.
  17. You know I don't care for basketball in general, and one of the reasons is the incessant showboating. You also know that I have no particular love for LaTech. I watched both Ts several times, and I just can't see what he did that garnered the fouls. My god man, our football team would've lost players on every touchdown this season by that criteria.
  18. Watch LaTech player Jacobi Boykins get two technicals for, well, as far as I can tell, being too good? Link
  19. They don't have their own baseball stadium either. They use the San Antonio Missons AA stadium. They do have a 4,800 seat basketball/volleyball joint though. Bow to its majesty.
  20. Yes. Yes I can!
  21. Eh. Ultimately, it's too easy to do it online. Took 3 minutes. I don't have patience for the phone tree. Nonetheless, I'm all paid up for another year.
  22. On a completely unrelated website, I saw the following comment about the Longhorns that made me chuckle.
  23. Dude! We have the death penalty in Texas! I'd think that would be more merciful!
  24. Tax refund hit today, so I'd like to renew my "scholarship fund" contribution and my tickets. Can I do both today? Usually I'd do it over the website, but I'd like to call somebody today to ask about the new scholarship fund thing. I think I call somebody other than the main ticket office for club seats since I've experienced multiple transfers to nowhere in trying to call the main line before. Thanks.
  25. Long odds, but potential liability issues cause me to be intentionally vague.
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